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By transmitting information via this website or as part of a telephone registration procedure regarding:

  • You agree to the processing of personal data such as your name and title, address, telephone number, contact details and other personal data ("personal data") in accordance with with the terms communicated to you in the registration/data entry forms under the heading "Personal Data" (or similar) or in the course of a telephone registration procedure for this website.
  • You acknowledge that the processing of your personal data is necessary for the personalization of your access to this website or for granting access to this or parts of it by registered users or paid subscribers and you give your consent to this processing.

It is possible to disclose personal data to third parties to allow them to provide services for L'Agri.Bio.Piemonte on their behalf or on their instructions. In these cases Agri.Bio.Piemonte guarantees, with the necessary measures, that third parties follow the directives of Agri.Bio.Piemonte on the protection of personal data and that whoever receives this data:

  • will use them for permitted purposes only
  • will only collect and process them if it protects them from unauthorized use
  • will strictly comply with the applicable legal provisions.

The user is authorized to request Agri.Bio.Piemonte to communicate to third parties to whom the personal data have been communicated, to undertake corrections to them or to delete them. Agri.Bio.Piemonte will do everything possible to forward your request for correction or cancellation. However, if your personal data has been transmitted to credit card issuers or other institutions involved in payment transactions, it will probably be necessary for you to contact them directly if you wish to correct or delete the data transmitted to them . Agri.Bio.Piemonte cannot assume any responsibility for the correction or deletion of personal data transmitted (with your consent) to institutions for estimating credit or fraud risk or to institutions active in payment transactions, which they require this data or assume control of it, and in this regard Agri.Bio.Piemonte declines any responsibility.

By accessing the website you confirm and allow Agri.Bio.Piemonte or its service providers to transmit cookies to your computer, to personalize your visit to this website and/or to gain access to more relevant data. to your internet usage habits during your visit to this website. The cookie may contain personal information about you and may be permanent or a single session cookie.


You may require the User to register and transmit certain registration data. You will therefore undertake to immediately communicate to Agri.Bio.Piemonte any change in the data relating to the registration. The communication must take place to the postal or e-mail address of Agri.Bio.Piemonte indicated for this purpose on this website or in these Conditions. Agri.Bio.Piemonte may refuse the User access to the website if the data will not be correct, complete and/or current and for any reason at its discretion that justifies such measure.


The User is responsible for the secrecy of any assignment of a password, account number and any other data as well as for all activities that take place under the User's account. Any unauthorized use of the User account or other security breaches must be reported immediately to Agri.Bio.Piemonte


Agri.Bio.Piemonte may undertake at any time, with or without prior announcement, changes or improvements to the site, services, programs, and/or other contents of the website (including these Conditions).


Agri.Bio.Piemonte grants the User authorization to access and use this website, including viewing, downloading, duplicating, publishing data, downloading images, photographs, games (game), information and collections of texts, video, audio, music and sounds, utilities, software (including applets), drivers and other accessory programs (utilities) (as defined below), the contents of each. Any other use of the website is prohibited, including use for purposes other than those mentioned above, as well as modification, distribution, transmission and downloading of the website, republication or reverse engineering, without the prior written consent of Agri.Bio.Piemonte . The authorization to use the website does not, among other things, include authorization to resell, commercial use or distribution of the contents of the website, the collection and use of any product descriptions and prices, support and servicelisting, as well as the derivative use of this website or its content (including framing), the downloading or duplication of customer information for the benefit of other commercial businesses, any use of data mining, robots or similar tools for the collection and data extraction, any use of the contents of the website in another website, server or networked computer environment, or any use of the contents of the website which suggests a connection with Agri.Bio products, support or services. Piedmont unless explicitly agreed in writing between the parties.

The User is not permitted to use this website or its services that violates the meaning of these Conditions or any applicable law or regulation or a use that causes or may cause damage, interruption or limitation of this website or its services. You are not permitted to collect or attempt to collect personal information about third parties through this website.


Agri.Bio.Piemonte does not convey any rights to any content of the website downloaded and used by the User. The contents of the website, including their selection and arrangement, are the property of Agri.Bio.Piemonte and/or their content and technology provider and are protected by various laws, including copyright laws. The limited authorization to use the contents of the website (for the purposes mentioned above) is explicitly linked to the recognition, respect and protection by the User of any notice referring to copyright, registered trademark or other right protection of the contents of the website, and also to the recognition of all protective and other rights or of its associated companies and/or content and technology providers on the intellectual property of the contents of the Agri.Bio.Piemonte website . The User does not acquire any ownership rights over email addresses, URLs or other personal identifiers assigned to him or chosen by him for the purpose of accessing the services available on this website. Your limited rights regarding the use of such addresses/identifiers remain valid only as long as your registration/account for access to this website or the respective services remains valid. At the end of the validity period by Agri.Bio.Piemonte, regardless of the reason, Agri.Bio.Piemonte will be free at its discretion to use or assign such an address/identifier to another user.

The unauthorized use or copying of the contents of the website or use of the contents of the website contrary to these provisions may lead to infringement of copyrights, registered trademarks or other protective rights as well as provisions of the law of a civil or criminal. The User is prohibited from using any content on the website (or any content available through this website) in a manner that infringes copyrights, trademarks or other protective rights. Agri.Bio.Piemonte reserves all rights against such unauthorized use or infringement of these Conditions.


Any form of email defined as spam or junk email is prohibited, including the uploading or transmitting of multiple unsolicited contributions to different discussion groups, mailing lists and all those activities that facilitate so-called "spamming" on this website or through it. The User undertakes to pay Agri.Bio.Piemonte an amount equal to €50.00 (fifty/00) for each spam message sent from his User account in violation of these Conditions.

Agri.Bio.Piemonte prohibits the uploading of computer programs, files and other materials containing destructive or disturbing characteristics such as viruses, manipulated files, "hidden" files (such as images in which audio files are integrated), worms, Trojan horses or bots for the purpose of scrolling or for launching multiple screens and for other activities capable of generally disturbing the integrity or functionality or online communication of the website.


Privacy policy


In line with the entry into force of the new EU Regulation no. 679/2016 (hereinafter also GDPR), which establishes rules relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data, as well as rules relating to the free movement of the same, AgriBio Servizi SRL, AgriBio ETS and Agri.Bio.Italia ONLUS as co-controllers they inform of their private policy and the Cookie Policy to offer its users the possibility of being informed in a clear and transparent way pursuant to the articles. 12, 13 and 14. The rights of the interested party are also listed, provided for by articles 15 to 22 of the GDPR.
Information pursuant to art. 13, par. 1

Data Controller and contacts

The joint data controllers are: AgriBio Servizi SRL, AgriBio ETS and Agri.Bio.Italia ONLUS with AgriBio Servizi SRL as leader. The exercise of your rights may take place by sending a request by email to or by sending a registered letter to: AgriBio Servizi SRL, Via Generale Cappa 45, 12063, Dogliani, CN.

The Data Controllers inform you that your personal data will be processed:
– pursuant to articles. 12 and 13 of EU Regulation no. 679/2016 (General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter for brevity referred to as "GDPR"), by specifically authorized subjects, limited to the purposes and with the methods that will be specified below with reference to the functions of the web portal
We also inform you that the Data Controller uses data controllers to carry out its activities in compliance with the dictates of GDPR 679/2016.

Categories of personal data processed and Purpose of processing

The Data Controller informs you that when you use our Newsletter service you accept that your personal data will be processed.
Personal data means any data that can be related to your person such as:
to. Name and surname
b. E-mail

As a potential customer and/or associate you will receive specific information.

The personal data processed may be used for the following purposes for sending information material, price lists, newsletters relating to events and promotions, for other purposes ancillary or connected to those indicated above and in any case falling within the scope of the activities of the Website .

Nature of the provision of data

We inform you that, with reference to the purposes highlighted in points a) and b), the provision of your correct data is optional, but any refusal and/or the provision of inaccurate or incomplete information would prevent the carrying out of the activities listed above.

For the purposes referred to in point c) the provision of data is optional, the processing of your data can only be carried out following receipt of your express consent.

Treatment methods

The processing of your data will be carried out using suitable paper, electronic and/or telematic tools, with logic strictly related to the above purposes and, in any case, in such a way as to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data themselves.

Your personal data are processed with the aid of IT tools in a lawful and correct manner for the fulfillment of the purposes indicated above and are protected with suitable security measures which guarantee their confidentiality, integrity, accuracy, availability and updating.

Personal data will be processed exclusively by personnel authorized to process it.

Recipients or Categories of recipients of personal data

The personal data processed may be communicated to specific subjects considered recipients of such personal data. Article 4 in point 9 of the Regulation defines the recipient of personal data as "the natural or legal person, public authority, service or other body that receives communication of personal data, whether or not it is a third party" .

From this perspective, in order to correctly carry out all the processing activities necessary to pursue the purposes set out in this information, the following recipients may find themselves in a position to process the data:

  • Third parties who carry out part of the processing activities and/or related and instrumental activities;
  • Individuals, employees and/or collaborators who are entrusted with specific and/or multiple processing activities on your personal data;
  • Subjects who need to access the data for purposes auxiliary to the relationship between the parties, within the limits strictly necessary for carrying out auxiliary activities, for example: banks and credit institutions, service provision companies, carriers and shipping companies .

The list of people authorized to process and the list of external parties are available at the headquarters of the lead partner.

The data may however be communicated to subjects who can access it pursuant to provisions of the law, regulations or community legislation, within the limits of such regulations.

The data will not be disclosed, with this term meaning giving knowledge of it to indeterminate subjects in any way, including by making it available or consulting it, unless specific, free and informed consent is granted for each type of processing.

Data transfer abroad

The Data Controller does not transfer personal data to third countries; however, it reserves the right to use cloud services and in this case the service providers will be selected from among those who provide adequate guarantees, as required by the art. 46 of GDPR 679/2016.

Duration of data processing and storage

For the above purposes, your data will be processed only for the time necessary to carry out the purposes for which they were collected and stored for the necessary time imposed by legal obligations.

For the above purposes, the data will be processed after obtaining your consent, and will be kept until you specifically request its deletion. Consent may be revoked at any time, the processing carried out in the period prior to its revocation is to be considered carried out legitimately.

Rights of the interested party

At any time, the interested party may exercise, pursuant to art. 7 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 and articles 15 to 22 of EU Regulation no. 2016/679, the right to:

  1. ask for confirmation of the existence or otherwise of your personal data;
  2. obtain information regarding the purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data, the recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data have been or will be communicated and, when possible, the retention period;
  3. obtain the rectification and deletion of data;
  4. obtain the limitation of processing;
  5. obtain data portability, i.e. receive them from a data controller, in a structured format, commonly used and readable by an automatic device, and transmit them to another data controller without impediments;
  6. object to the processing at any time and also in the case of processing for direct marketing purposes;
  7. oppose an automated decision-making process relating to natural persons, including profiling;
  8. ask the data controller to access personal data and to rectify or delete them or limit the processing that concerns them or to oppose their processing, in addition to the right to data portability;
  9. revoke consent at any time without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent given before the revocation;
  10. Pursuant to art. 13, paragraph 2, letter. d), of Regulation 679/2016, the subjects to whom the personal data refer have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority.

If the joint data controllers intend to further process the personal data for a purpose other than that for which they were collected, before such further processing they will provide the interested party with information regarding this different purpose and any further relevant information.


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