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What is that:
it is fresh cow manure composted and buried in a cow horn from S. Michele to Easter and which appears when dug up as humus, dark, odorless, fresh, moist and colloidal
What is it for:
it is a "leaven" of the earth's vital processes, it can be considered an activator of the formation of humus and the rooting of plants.
Processes the forces of the subsolar planets (Moon, Mercury and Venus) in the soil and on the root system
Where and when to use:
• It is mainly sprayed on the ground in spring at the beginning of vegetative growth and also in autumn before sowing
• Can be used for root bathing before transplanting (30 minutes)
• It can be used for seed bathing (spray the seeds the evening before and leave them covered)
• It is excellent to use it in the preparation of log paste
How to store it and how to use it:
It is stored in a wooden box covered with peat and can be stored in this way for at least 2 years from when it was extracted from the horn
when used it must be dynamized for an hour in the afternoon/evening and the dynamization lasts for a few hours (3)
to be sprayed on the ground ALWAYS with moisture in the ground
Preparation 500 is found in two formulations:
1. classic 500 preparation
2. prepared 500 composted 500 K or 500 P
the classic 500 is used in doses of 200 g per hectare
500 K is used at a dose of 100 g. per hectare
methods of use:
• the 500 or 500 K is used at doses of 100 g/35 – 50 lt non-chlorinated H2O/hectare
• it is recommended to use the 500 at least twice in spring and once in autumn
• to be energized and sprayed for each new sowing
• the water temperature must be lukewarm (from 37° to 40°)
• the water must not be heated by electricity but with wood or gas
• the water must preferably be rain, well or spring water (not stagnant for too long, without odors or presence of lava etc.)
• if I really have to use mains water it must be shaken and left in the open air to settle for at least 24 hours
• ferruginous water or water with a high quantity of calcium or salty water is not recommended
• the 500 is activated by means of a particular mixing called dynamization which lasts 60 minutes (see sheet on the site)
• dynamization consists of mixing the 500 in water, creating a vortex which in turn is interrupted by a phase of chaos, coinciding with the reversal of the direction of the previous vortex.
• Dynamization can be carried out either by machine or manually:
1) by hand as long as it is carried out with a lot of energy and without stopping
2) by machine as long as some construction characteristics are respected, such as for example. the inversion of the vortex which must be regulated by the fluidity of the water and not by timers, and that the vortex is created starting from the top
• The barrel for dynamization must have a cylindrical shape that can allow a deep conical vertex
• The presence of earthworms in corn manure is an excellent sign of vitality
• Dynamization should be done in large drops on the ground and on the wood in the evening
• The plastic bag is only for transport, the preservation preparation should be transferred to a glass or metal jar and stored in the appropriate preparation box if it is not used within a week.
• Preparation 500 can be found ready at Agri.Bio: we ship it throughout Italy and abroad
• Agri.Bio organizes courses every year to teach the preparation and use of biodynamic preparations free of charge: see the website www.agribionotizie.it: The Agriculture of Tomorrow