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€12,20 EUR



What is that:
it is a biodynamic preparation made up of a silicate (SiO2) of three different colors with different properties but always linked to use in the period of maturation with the Sun in Gemini (21 June - 20 July).
The agate is finely ground and mixed with spring water until it becomes a porridge and inserted into a cow's horn, buried from Easter to San Michele and which appears when the horn is dug up and emptied as a very fine colored powder.
This preparation was designed, created and tested by Ivo Bertaina since spring 2013.
What is it for:
works on the qualitative aspects of the product that matures in this zodiac sign or if you want to give the product characteristics linked to this sign (colours, flavours, smells and shelf life), connects it with the external (suprasolar) planets.
The three Corno Agata preparations increase and strengthen the immune defenses of plants against fungi and insects
The three preparations help the cooperation of celestial images with terrestrial substances (the twins Castor and Pollux) in the astrological moment in which the Earth is most distant from the Sun.
The three preparations strengthen the plant against drought and harmful meteorological phenomena.
• in particular the 514 or fuchsia horn agate works on the qualitative aspects of the fruit that ripens in this zodiac period (21 June - 20 July), i.e. shape, taste, aroma and flavours.
• in particular the 515 or purple horn agate works on the qualitative aspects of the seed that matures in this zodiac period (21 June - 20 July), it is indicated for selecting quality seeds
• in particular the 516 or horn blue agate works on the qualitative aspects of the leaf and the flow of the sap of the products that ripen in this zodiac period (21 June - 20 July)
• you can also use all three together, balancing the above-mentioned processes, in a dose of 2 grams for each preparation.
• It is very useful to always add a dose of 510 (methylsulfonylmethane, vegetable horn sulphur) to these horn agate preparations to strengthen the sulfur processes essential for materializing light in the plant.

Where and when to use:
• Spray on the fruit/vegetable from the complete formation of the leaves onwards if you want to give the vegetable the typical characteristics of the zodiac sign of Gemini
• it is sprayed on fruits that ripen in this zodiac period (21 June – 20 July) or immediately after
• On hot days early in the morning before sunrise
• with Moon Ascending
• it is not bad to use it on the day of opposition Moon - Saturn (see biodynamic sowing calendar)
• At the formation of the fruit/leaf
• 15/20 days before harvesting
• in case of heavy rain, immediately after the precipitation
How to store it and how to use it:
it is stored in a glass container exposed to the sun and lasts 3 years from its extraction
when used it must be dynamized for an hour in the early morning (5-6)
methods of use:
• 514, 515 and 516 are used at doses of 5 grams for 35 – 40 liters of non-chlorinated H2O/hectare (from source or well)
• the water temperature must be lukewarm (from 37° to 40°)
• the water must not be heated by electricity but with wood or gas
• the water must preferably be rain, well or spring (not stagnant for too long, without odors or the presence of larvae, dirt, etc.)
• if I really have to use mains water, it must be shaken and left in the open air to settle for at least 24 hours, stirring it
• water with a high pH, ​​ferruginous water or water with a high quantity of calcium or salty water is not recommended
• to lower the Ph, add a glass of vinegar for every 35 liters of water before dynamization.
• the 514, 515 and 516 are activated by means of an alchemical process called dynamization which lasts 60 minutes
• dynamization consists in dynamizing the 501 in water, creating a vortex in one direction which in turn is interrupted by a phase of chaos, coinciding with the reversal of the direction of the previous vortex without ever stopping for exactly one hour.
• Dynamization can be carried out either by machine or manually
1) by hand as long as it is carried out with a lot of energy, even taking turns with several people, without ever stopping the dynamization
2) by machine as long as some construction characteristics are respected, such as for example. the inversion of the vortex which must be regulated by the fluidity of the water and not by timers, and that the vortex is created starting from the top
• The barrel for dynamization must have a cylindrical shape that can allow a deep conical vertex
• Spraying should be done in very fine drops high above the plants (fruits) and on the plants
• The plastic bag in which it is contained is used only for transport, the preparation for conservation should be transferred to an unclosed, hermetically sealed glass jar well exposed to the sun and sheltered from bad weather.

• You can find the preparations 514, 515 and 516 ready for use at Agri.Bio: we ship them throughout Italy and abroad
• Agri.Bio organizes courses every year for the preparation and use of biodynamic preparations: see the website The Agriculture of Tomorrow
• Also on the website in Biodinamica you will find the technical data sheets of all the preparations and the product list and relative prices
• on the website you will find everything you need to do Biodynamic Agriculture at its best
• on the website you will find the specifications for the Agri.Bio.Dinamica certification

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