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What is that?
The achillea preparation or 502 is prepared at the end of May, beginning of June with achillea millefolium flowers inserted into a male deer bladder and left to ripen hanging in the air and then, from the end of September, buried at a slight depth and extracted at Easter. It is ready for use in the period following Easter (although after extraction I prefer to let it "ripen" for at least 40 more days before using it).
This preparation, like all those ranging from 502 to 507, is called "heap preparation". The use of these preparations is usually limited to the preparation of biodynamic compost. I also use them individually or combined with other preparations, referring to the first experiments of biodynamic farmers which were developed in the 1925s - 1935s.
R. Steiner explains that with the action of this preparation "sulphur relates in a special way to potassium" bringing into the compound a process linked to the planet Venus, a planet that relates the plant to nutrition.
These indications that follow are not intended and cannot be exhaustive for the use of the preparation, but simply ideas and indications that I have gathered and which I make available to anyone who wishes to study, try and experiment. It should be noted that the German biodynamic world generally does not approve and considers incorrect the use of so-called "heap preparations" for single or non-heap use... But given that over 90 years have passed since the Koberwitz Course and the world moves forward, it is necessary to study increasingly complete uses of biodynamic preparations and above all also to devise new ones for the new problems we have today.
How to use:
• 502 can be used individually or combined with 500 when there are deficiencies of available potassium in the soil
• this preparation makes the roots "sensitive" to finding the elements needed for their correct and harmonious development
• yarrow is linked to sulfur processes, Venus and the zodiac signs of Taurus (nitrogen) and Libra (calcium)
• to be used combined with 503, to increase the rooting and strength of the plant
• again R. Steiner in the 5th conference of the Koberwitz Course says that “The cumulus preparations bring radiant force. With yarrow you give sensitivity to the ground. The earth is vivified to capture the substances that flow from the cosmos in homeopathic doses.”
• In the 5th conference R. Steiner talks about potassium and its importance in promoting the growth of the plant especially in the trunk and similar, especially its structure.
• Potassium is the physical gateway for the life of the cosmos to manifest in matter
• Yarrow is a plant rich in etheric processes of sulfur (Venus – Gemini) and potassium (Mercury - Virgo)
• Virgo, the largest zodiac sign, second among all the constellations, has 2500 galaxies and is considered the "placenta" from which life and our zodiac system begins
• sulfur is the substance that allows the relationships and balance between the components of the protein.
• In humans and animals, yarrow regulates and improves everything that has an astral weakness.
• “The sulfur in the vegetal process in homeopathic doses contained in yarrow combined in an exemplary way with potassium produces an action capable of feeling, perceiving, radiating” R. Steiner
• R. Steiner says that potassium arrests development by forming the stem and structure of the plant.
• The potassium process takes part in every process forming and consolidating the plant substance.
• In yarrow the color of the flower is strongly radiant but neutral and directs us towards the entire form of the plant.
• “We sense the presence of a principle that refines the matter and which, in order to manifest itself through the image, pushes in the formation of all the organs, especially in the leaves with their fine and very mobile subdivision, an image which however remains unitary” R. Steiner
• In yarrow the sulfur process is intimately linked to the potassium process and they are two opposite but basic processes for life:
• one breath Sulfur = expansion, Potassium = concentration
• in eurythmy Virgo is represented by the consonant B
• B means protection, hug, support, kiss
• Yarrow is rich in potassium and sulfur and it shows in its shape
• in Koberwitz's course notes R. Steiner writes "Potassium works for the formation of new cells and carries out a vital activity of the plant protein."
• yarrow after 504 (nettle preparation) and together with 506 (dandelion preparation (using Lilly Kolisko's method, recommended directly by R. Steiner, it is the only preparation that matures for almost a year
• It should also be remembered what H. Finsterlin says about 502 “The bladder does for the deer what limestone does for the soil and for planet Earth!”
• Potassium processes can be elevated, processed, moved, using 502, dynamizing for 60 minutes in a dose of 12 grams per hectare or 100 grams of dried flowers in herbal tea and dynamizing for 20 minutes in water
• Use yarrow herbal tea as a companion in sulfur treatments: 10 gr. of dry plant in 5 liters and diluted in water per hectare
• With 502 and yarrow herbal tea, protection from oxidation is improved.
• Sprayed on the land, sprayed dropwise halfway between 500 and 501.
• For wood diseases, for old, tired and sick plants it is useful to use 506 with 502 together
• 502 is also very good used individually against all parasites
• The 502 allows the union and connection of what is above to what is below. It is a loving and therapeutic preparation because every evil and every disease lies in the lack of dialogue
• The 502 brings impulses of verticality to the aerial part of the plant
• I remind you that Agri.Bio yarrow syrup is available for human use, a syrup with 20% yarrow extract that I designed for human use
• here are its indications for use: Aperitif and digestive, healing of gastric ulcers, together with oak syrup. Stimulates blood circulation by protecting and nourishing veins and capillaries.
• Excellent as an antioxidant thanks to the high content of precious flavonoids and for potassium deficiencies. It gives the ability to grasp ideas, to grasp intuitions when they are needed. Agri.Bio.Dinamica certified
A word on conservation: 502 is usually a preparation that tends to "dry out" and therefore must be monitored often, especially if you have small doses.
Any other idea or suggestion of yours, experimentation done with the use of 502 would be very welcome because only by collaborating and exchanging information are we truly human and we grow together