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€18,30 EUR



The oak preparation or 505 is prepared in late September with oak bark shredded very fine and placed in a domestic animal skull to mature in standing water and extracted and ready for use after Easter.
This preparation, like all those from 502 to 507, are usually called heap preparations and their use is usually restricted to its preparation, while already from the first experiments of the 1925-30s, experiments had already been carried out for their use single or associated with other biodynamic preparations.
R. Steiner explains that with the action of this preparation the "sulphur relates to the iron" bringing into the compound a process linked to the Moon, the planet that controls growth in vegetables.
These indications that follow are not intended and cannot be exhaustive for the use of the preparation but simply indications that I have grasped with my experience and which I make available to anyone who wants to study, try and experiment and who thinks that biodynamic agriculture is in continuous evolution and not a hard and fast science. It should be noted that the German biodynamic world generally does not use and considers incorrect the use of so-called "heap preparations" for single or non-heap use: consider that many German biodynamicists do not include heap preparations in the Fladen because it does not have said R. Steiner….
• regarding the oak preparation R. Steiner says “If not all, numerous plant diseases just observed can be eliminated with a rational preparation of the fertilizer, as long as one proceeds correctly.
• For this purpose it is necessary to introduce calcium into the soil with fertilization, but there is no point in throwing it into the soil by skipping the passage through the waist.
• To act in a therapeutic sense, calcium must remain within the realm of the living, it must not leave the realm of the living.”
• Oak bark is vitalized, etherized calcium
• Calcium kills, dampens the etheric body and sets the astral body free
• 505 is used to retract a hypertrophic etheric body
• Prophylactically fights diseases harmful to plants
• W. Pelikan says that the oak lives entirely in the Cambia and its particular bark is also physical evidence of this
• Mistletoe lives very well on the oak, it sinks its roots as if it were earth, in its wood: it means that there is a "mature" etheric body
• Truffles grow very well from the roots of the oak, this is also an indication of a very mature etheric body.
• Oak wood is one of the hardest and most valuable for building beams and furniture
• It is also very good for making poles because it is soaked in tannins
• 505 curbs lunar forces and prevents fungal diseases thanks to its mature structuring force
• 505 would be interesting to use to restore balance to soils that have used so many chemical fertilizers and pesticides
• oak bark due to its position is a living limestone that absorbs enormous forces of light: an "intelligent" and living limestone, something that limestone under the ground, in the dark, cannot do
• 505 heals land where there are too many etheric forces, for example a forest or uncultivated land that is transformed into agricultural land should be treated with 500 and 505 to bring balance to the etheric
• As a preparation to be inserted into the cumulus it brings the calcium process and the actions of the Moon into the biodynamic cumulus and is connected to Cancer, as a zodiac sign (phosphorus processes)
• As a single preparation or combined with 500 dynamized for 60 minutes it transforms and regulates the excesses of vegetative forces into qualitative forces: energy is processed into quality
• to study and test the use of 505 for the control of plant diseases as R: Steiner said in the 5th conference of the Koberwitz course.
I remind you that oak bark syrup is available for human use, a syrup with 20% ultrasonic extract that I designed for human use.
Here are its properties: “It has a toning action on the body, to the point of being antiseptic and limiting fevers by supporting healing. It is astringent in cases of gastric, intestinal pain, diarrheal or hemorrhagic states, as well as for urine incontinence in children. Oak bark balances etheric excesses.” Agri.BioDinamica certified
It is always necessary to check the state of conservation of preparation 505 because it tends to dry out a lot.
Any other idea or suggestion of yours, experimentation done with the use of 505 would be very welcome to me because only by collaborating and exchanging information are we truly human and we grow and make others grow together.

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