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€12,20 EUR


What is that:
it is prepared with natural sulfur powder, methylsulfonylmethane, finely chopped and mixed with spring water until it becomes a porridge, inserted into a cow's horn and buried from Easter to San Michele. Mentioned during Koberwitz by Rudolf Steiner.
What is it for:
• From a very high reactivity of the plant against harmful insects and fungi.
• It is a carrier of light forces like 501 but with a higher specificity of heat forces.
• R. Steiner in the course of Kobertwitz says that "where the spiritual wants to incarnate there is a need for the action of sulfur".
• It therefore brings and conveys the action of the archetypal forces in the plant, bringing it back into balance, increasing its immune defenses and favoring the transmutation of the processes of light and heat into physical matter.
• Increases the plant's immune defenses
Where and when to use:
• I always recommend combining the 510 treatment with each silicate horn treatment: it increases its expression and action
•It is sprayed on the fruit/vegetable from the bud formation stage onwards, it works as an antifungal and creates unfavorable conditions for caterpillar or insect infestations
•On days of light or heat sprayed early in the morning before 10.00
• on days of the Ascending Moon
• in Moon-Saturn opposition days
How to store it and how to use it:
it is stored in a glass container in whole pieces (the dispersion of sulfur is reduced) exposed to the Sun and lasts 3 years from its extraction when used it must be dynamized for an hour
it can be dynamized together with silica preparations and with 508
Method of Use
•510 is used at doses of 7 grams per 30 – 40 liters of non-chlorinated H2O/hectare. The piece or powder of 510 must be dissolved in water before dynamization.
•the water temperature must be lukewarm (from 37° to 40°) and with a lower Ph. to 6.5
•the water must not be heated by electricity but with wood or gas
•the water must preferably be rain, well or spring (not stagnant for too long, without odors or the presence of larvae, dirt, etc.)
•if I really have to use mains water it must be shaken and left in the open air to settle for at least 24 hours
•ferruginous water or water with a high quantity of calcium or salty water is not recommended
•SULFUR HORN is activated by means of a particular mixing called dynamization which lasts 60 minutes
•dynamization consists of mixing 510 in water, creating a vortex which in turn is interrupted by a phase of chaos, coinciding with the reversal of the direction of the previous vortex without ever stopping.
•Dynamization can be carried out either by machine or manually
1) by hand as long as it is done with a lot of energy
2) by machine as long as some construction characteristics are respected, such as for example. the inversion of the vortex which must be regulated by the fluidity of the water and not by timers, and that the vortex is created starting from the top
•The barrel for dynamization must have a cylindrical shape that can allow a deep conical vertex
• Dynamization must be done in very fine drops on the plants (fruits). Attention
•The plastic bag is only used for transport, the preparation for conservation must be transferred to a non-hermetically sealed glass jar exposed in the area where it receives the most sun throughout the day
•The 510 preparation can be found ready at Agri.Bio: we ship it throughout Italy and abroad
•Agri.Bio organizes courses every year for the preparation and use of biodynamic preparations: see the website The Agriculture of Tomorrow

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