SOWING CALENDAR 2024 - Maria Thun
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SOWING CALENDAR 2024 - Maria Thun
The advice contained in this Calendar represents the practical application of part of the indications given by biodynamic agriculture , started in 1924 by Rudolf Steiner. Among other things it postulates, and experimentally controls, the influence of cosmic forces detectable above all in the behavior of plants , and the Calendar mainly considers this aspect of biodynamics.
Conceived by Mrs Thun for biodynamic farmers and horticulturists, for whom it constitutes an indispensable work tool, the Calendar is also used profitably by professional and home floriculturists. The operations of cutting, repotting, fertilizing, etc. they give better results if carried out on the days indicated by the Calendar as favorable.
Biodynamic agriculture, promoted by Rudolf Steiner in 1924, is a modern awareness of agriculture. It proposes to: create a balanced system whose main purpose is the vivifying of the land with rotations and intercrops, with green manures, with means of defense that are not dangerous for living beings, with greater valorisation of livestock, with respect for fauna and therefore with the restoration of a natural balance; enhance the use of manure, take care of the preparation of the heaps and the compost, use treatments with biodynamic preparations (which are elaborations of vegetal and animal substances exposed to particular cosmic influences); work the soil with superficial ploughing, refine mechanical weeding techniques, encourage the use of legumes through which the bacteria in the soil can make many kilograms of nitrogen available per hectare, maintain and develop humus in the soil, an incalculable asset for the current and future generations.
A precious collection of information for sowing, transplanting and working the land, based on research on the constellations.

Maria Thun has been studying the influences of the Sun, Moon and planets on earthly life for years. She began to cultivate her vegetable garden biodynamically with her husband in 1942 and was guided by Heinrich Schmidt, who had already been applying the biodynamic method for some time. Maria Thun later began to observe her vegetable garden: same soil, same crop rotation, same seeds, same compost, same climatic trend, but different harvest, different qualities and different yields. Referring to Rudolf Steiner's "Agriculture Course", Maria Thun conducted experiments aimed at calculating favorable sowing days in relation to the changing phases of the moon. This meticulous research into the influences of the celestial constellations on plants and soil, and the continuous reaching of increasingly precise conclusions for agricultural practice, continues even after more than forty years of incessant work. Eighty-year-old Maria Thun sees her work as a mission. the "Sowing Calendar" which, studied with the utmost precision every year, with a wealth of suggestions and advice for agricultural work, is translated into over twenty languages and sold all over the world.