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Carrot Jaune Du Doubs - Sativa ka71


An ancient, slow-growing variety from the Doubs region, this carrot offers long pieces that are yellow at the tip and green at the tip. Early sowing is recommended. Ideal for storage.

Need in fertilizer
medium low

Recommended break (crop rotation)
3-4 years

25-35 cm between rows, 6-10 cm on the row


Maturation cycle
130-140 days

Use conservation




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Carrot Jaune Du Doubs - Sativa ka71


The Umbelliferae family groups together over 2,000 plant species, mainly herbaceous. There are some bushy forms and tree-like forms are totally absent. The umbellifer in general has archaic, almost primitive features, the epigeal part of the plant has simple structures that tend to be thinned, almost becoming rarefied in the air. The leaves represent the organ of cooperation with air and water, light and darkness. In the umbelliferae we witness this extension, to the extreme, of the leaves which, like fingers, open to the chemical ether and the ether of light. What is born in these articulated leaves, folds into the terrestrial and is jealously guarded in the ground, giving life to strong and fleshy roots. And then the flower: it is almost a tribute to the air, forming umbels and open domes in well-spread planes, in a multitude of white or slightly green dots, like a cloud of stars. Flowers that express their detachment from the water element through linear radial shapes and completely devoid of fleshiness, the fruits themselves are small dry achenes, slightly curved into a crescent. In contrast to this very mineral aerial rarefaction of stem, leaves and flowers, there is the rising movement of radical terrestrial energy in the form of gums and mucilages. The formation of latex, so typical of the Umbelliferae, is the expression of the meeting between two very strong tendencies: the incarnation of the elements air and light which normally proceed to the induction of synthesis of oils and resins, descends to meet the terrestrial pole strongly rooted in the soil. From this amalgam the "mercurial" processes that give rise to gum resins begin. It is a powerful alchemy, not surprisingly, in fact, among the Umbelliferae there are also numerous highly poisonous species (let's remember Socrates' hemlock).
These plants find their perfect balance by mediating between two dichotomously opposite poles, root and flower, which profoundly embody two antagonistic forces and which nevertheless find total harmonious understanding in the plant organism. It is no wonder, therefore, that Umbelliferae are so important in therapeutic practice, precisely because of their rebalancing abilities, particularly at the level of the glands and in all processes of secretion and metabolic excretion.
The carrot belongs to the Daucus genus and is native to the Mediterranean region. It is the best known food plant offered by this family, but not the only one. Fennel, celery, cumin, dill, parsley and various other consumable and aromatic species belong to the Umbelliferae.
Nowadays we are mistakenly led to identify food value with nutritional value. Dieticians, specialized magazines and labels are busy providing us with a list of the fat, sugar, protein and mineral salt content of what we eat. This is reductive because the food value includes other aspects than the mere chemical composition. In particular, palatability is an important food value, today this aspect is delegated to advertising: palatability is disconnected from the food and is instead associated with the shape and color of the package or the lips of the model advertising the product on TV. But if this applies above all to processed products, the situation changes for fresh fruit and vegetables. And we cannot ignore the visual and olfactory impact of the carrot. With its yellow-orange color and its fresh, mineral aroma, the carrot evokes visions of earth and sun, of health and strength, like a dawn or spring, it is edible light on our plate.
The yellow-orange fleshy root of the carrot contains from 6 to 12% soluble or organic sugars in gums and mucilages, never starch which is completely absent in this family. Carrots contain beta-carotene and are therefore considered rich in antioxidant properties. This means that if included regularly in the diet, they provide real prevention against cancer, infections, eye degeneration, lung disease and hardening of the arteries. I speak of true prevention to distinguish it from false prevention, which too often is nothing more than early diagnosis. That fake prevention that goes through piles of expensive tests prescribed periodically by doctors who no longer even look us in the face but who, like traffic policemen, divert us towards x-rays, MRIs, blood and urine tests, gastroscopies and so on. Beta-carotene is not destroyed by cooking but, once ingested, transforms into vitamin A in only the quantity necessary for the body itself, thus avoiding overloads. This "wisdom" of the body resides in the liver, the more tired and battered it is, the less it will be able to regulate this fundamental balance. But when we say that carrots are rich in vitamin A (beta-carotene is the provitamin from which vitamin A is derived), what exactly do we mean? All vegetables and fruit (except apples) contain, more or less, vitamin A: tomato 1,300 IU, celery 50 IU, peas 500 IU, cabbage 2,100 IU, lettuce 500 IU. The carrot 20,000 IU, a big difference. The content of mineral salts is also quite high, potassium is present in almost double the quantity compared to the vast majority of vegetables (230 ppm), potassium has a positive action on the heart, on muscles in general and on the elasticity of the arteries. The content of phosphorus, manganese and calcium also exceeds the average level of other vegetables.

In the vegetable garden, the carrot benefits from intercropping with spinach and liliaceae in general (garlic, onion, shallot, ...). Carrot and onion protect each other from parasites, but they also know how to share space without annoying each other: the first pushes its root deep, while the second expands horizontally in the ground. However, intercropping with beans and legumes in general, and with peppers and lettuces with which it shares numerous soil pathogens, should be avoided.

Seed germination is rather slow and the plumetta is extremely fragile in the early stages. It is therefore necessary to pay great attention to the seedbed which must be soft and well ventilated. Any disturbing action during the cultivation cycle should also be avoided, as far as possible. Thinning and weeding constitute a source of stress for the crop, therefore it is better to try to sow sparsely and favor weeding to eliminate weeds. The carrot loves deep and loose soil, exploits the organic richness well, but the hot bed, or in any case fertilization with fresh organic substance, must be absolutely avoided. In this sense, the correct use of preparation 500 on the soil is very important, even more so if the carrot cultivation was preceded by legumes or green manure crops. Fertilization with well humified material coming from the biodynamic pile. Heavy or skeletal soil induces the formation of deformed or double taproots. Since seed germination is very slow, a temporary green mulch can be created to avoid the formation of crust. On small surfaces, spreading a layer of sand is also conceivable. In biodynamic agriculture, seed bathing is also recommended. For carrots in particular, we recommend bathing in a valerian preparation, prepared as usual. The seed must be immersed for an hour and stirred so that the seeds do not form lumps. Then the seeds should be taken and spread out on absorbent paper in a shady place to dry. Sowing must be done within the second day of the bath. This practice has an intense action on the seeds, stimulates germination and significantly strengthens the development of young plants.
The optimal temperature for this plant is between 16 and 18°C, an optimal situation also for the germination of numerous spontaneous adventitious herbs. False sowing can drastically reduce the weed problem in the early stages of cultivation. The cultivation cycle lasts from 100 to 130 days depending on the variety and the climatic trend, therefore more interventions must be foreseen for the elimination of weeds through green mulching, earthing up for row plantations, and weeding. Among the most easily available varieties are the Rodelika with a rather long, aromatic and vigorous cycle, the early Flakkèe carrot with an extremely large and elongated root, the Nantes type with large size and intense colour, very productive, the Naples carrot with a very long, the Albenga carrot and many others.

Green mulch has undoubted advantages by avoiding the formation of surface crust, keeping soil humidity and temperature more constant, improving germination (due to the previous effects) and slowing down the growth of weeds. For green mulch (by "green" meaning the vegetal origin and not the color of the material) straw, wood chips and bark are suitable, grass should be avoided because even if dried it would tend to compact excessively (it is necessary to create a layer of several centimeters to obtain the mulching effect) creating an asphyxiated and unhealthy environment. It can be sown broadcast or in rows, in this case the distance between the rows is approximately 30-35 cm for single rows or less provided that every 3-4 rows there is more space for passage. The carrot is also suitable for sowing on trunks or porches, the advantage in this case is the recovery of space, better exposure to sunlight if the trunks are oriented to the south-east and good water drainage, particularly useful if the soil it tends to be heavy (a situation which in any case does not favor cultivation). For those who have the possibility of following the lunar calendar, the suitable period for sowing carrots is in the ascending moon (the movement from the southern lunistice to the northern lunistice gives favorable impulses to the awakening of the seed) and harvesting in the descending moon (its shelf life is improved and shelf life). The influence of the lunations is less strong, however sowing during the waning moon is preferable. The carrot is typically considered a "root plant" therefore earth days (Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn) and water days (Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio) are to be preferred. However, I like to remember Liebig's so-called "minimum principle": the growth of plants is determined by the element that is present in the smallest quantity compared to requirements. It is also known as the “bucket principle” because it is with this image that

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the functioning of nutritional elements in plants is explained to agricultural students:

This principle has been modified several times over the years and Liebig himself in his “Testament” spoke very strong words regarding a certain vision of agricultural practice that he himself had contributed to developing: “…Unfortunately the true beauty of agriculture , with its stimulating intellectual principles is almost unknown. The art of agriculture will be lost due to ignorant, unscientific and short-sighted teachers who will convince farmers to place all their hopes in universal remedies, which do not exist in nature. By following their advice, dazzled by ephemeral results, farmers will forget the soil and lose sight of its intrinsic value and influence....". Yet one thing does not exclude the other and in a certain sense we can keep this bucket principle in mind to remind ourselves of the need for an expanded vision of everything that concerns our Earth, our company, our field, the our carrot crop. And remind us of all the elements that contribute to the good health of our plant. Of course we will not think of the "elements" in the reductive and empty terms of N, P and K, but we will think of the vitality of the soil and the organic substance, we will think of the cosmic impulses, of associations and rotations and of everything that makes up good agricultural practice. That good agricultural practice which is peasant wisdom and plant intelligence, two values ​​that were stolen from us by the Green Revolution through synthetic fertilizers and pesticides (the universal solvers!) and hybrid seeds. For GMOs we can consider ourselves under siege but not yet completely defeated... who knows for how long. And we will also remember that our culture is not something assembled on an assembly line but the result of a fabric of forces, impulses and elements that strongly interact with each other. For example, in "dead" soil cosmic impulses will have little influence, just as the abundance of water enhances the influences of the lunations on plants.
The carrot is subject to attacks by various pathogenic fungi affecting the tap root. The onset of these pathologies usually denotes some error in crop management: rotations that are too tight, a tumultuous or chaotic nitrogen cycle, rotation with unfavorable crops (legumes in general), heavy soils,... But it can also be a question of the health of the seed or of climate trends. In these cases it is necessary first of all to investigate the causes of the onset of the disease and if possible eliminate them; if it is a question of excess humidity due to excessive volumes of watering the state of things can be changed; if it is a question of too much rain it can be take advantage of the experience for the following year, perhaps trying to give a slight slope to the ground to facilitate drainage.
The fungi that can affect the carrot are various:

A: Pythium,
B: Phythoptora,
C: Rhizoctonia,
D: Sclerotinia,
E: Stempylium

A: Meloydogine,
B: Heterodera,
C: Streptomyces

The drawing allows the symptom to be taken to the extreme in its characteristics, in reality the differences are not always so clear and marked. It is usually easier to make the diagnosis on recent infections and on symptoms in the early stages; along the course the tissues tend to necrotise and be invaded by secondary and saprophytic pathogens. The macroscopic diagnosis, i.e. by eye, is reasonably reliable, but only laboratory analysis with isolation on selective substrates and microscopic analysis can give the certainty (and not always) that it is this or that fungus. One must ask oneself whether it is of any use to know how to recognize one pathogen from another, I mean apart from the technical consultant who, by showing off a bit of Latinorum, will leave the farmer stunned. Ultimately the indications will be more or less the same: use of healthy seed, extensive rotations, frequent and small volume irrigation, ... And it is partly true. However, some information can be drawn that may be useful. For example, Meloydogine and Heterodera are nematodes, we know of these organisms that they remain for very long periods in the infested soil, but they also propagate extremely slowly, expanding like wildfire. They can seriously affect lettuce, strawberry, garlic and onion. If it were decided, despite the presence of some plants affected by nematodes in the crop, to let some individuals flower for seed selection, the seed of asymptomatic carrot plants would be healthy. Instead, we should pay close attention to lily bulbs present in the surrounding area and avoid using them as propagation material for subsequent campaigns. On land where nematode attacks have occurred, you can consider making a green manure with a biocidal species such as horseradish and mustard or Brassica napus which has a more repellent than strictly biocidal action. The opinions on the use of plants with biocidal action in organic and biodynamic agriculture are rather controversial as some support the partially selective effectiveness of the substances released into the soil (isothiocyanates, nitriles and thiocyanates), others maintain that this practice is nothing more than the bad copy of fumigations with classic synthetic geodisinfestants, with the same disadvantages and less effectiveness. Pythium and Phythoptora are Oomycete mushrooms, that is, rather "primitive" mushrooms. Despite having an optimum temperature of 21°C, they are also active at rather low temperatures, managing to give rise to very early infections. They cause vitreous necrotic lesions. They are closely related to water and only develop infections in the presence of a lot of humidity, stagnation and heavy soil. Their zoospores can be carried by rainwater and irrigation water and given that they are polyphagous fungi (attacks Solanaceae, Cucurbitaceae and Composites), the management of irrigation water is important, especially if the flow system is used, so as not to spread the infection from one crop to another. Both of these fungi can attack the host only through microlesions of the epidermis. Therefore all cultivation operations that can stress the taproot in this sense (thinning, weeding,...) predispose its establishment. Since Oomycetes are strongly linked to the presence of free water, if irrigation is carried out by flow, cultivation on trunks or porches is conceivable, so that the humidity rises from the furrow to the root by capillarity, without creating stagnation at the level of the tap root. same. Oomycetes are extremely sensitive to copper metal, but aerial treatments have little effectiveness, except to avoid its spread following heavy rain or sprinkler irrigation. Macerations with lilies (garlic and onion) are very effective for wetting the collar, these baths also have a tanning effect on the seed. Rhizoctonia sp.p is another extremely polyphagous fungus that can affect countless horticultural and non-horticultural species. Less tied to water than the Oomycetes, it is still a fungus favored by humidity and the state of chaos in the nitrogen cycle. It manages to remain viable for long periods on crop residues, even at rather high temperatures (55°C) therefore it is preferable not to throw plant material that is suspected to be infected by Rhizoctonia into the compost (if it is true that good compost reaches even 60° There is always a certain approximation). While Oomycetes can also attack the aerial part of the plant through splashes of water, Rhizoctonia is exclusively linked to the root. The affected tissues tend to take on purple shades. The persistence of Rhizoctonia in the soil is very long, up to twenty years. It is therefore clear that rotation and turnover, although important, cannot alone eradicate the pathogen, also considering the large number of host species. In this sense, the vitality of the soil and the healthiness of the crop (understood as the absence of stress) are of fundamental importance. In fact, there are numerous antagonistic fungi that limit the virulent development of Rhizoctonia, in particular Trichoderma hartianum. Antagonistic fungi are saprophytic telluric organisms that derive their sustenance from the root exudates of plants. They are not symbionts as the plant does not derive any direct benefit from their presence. However, these organisms occupy the root surface and physically prevent the pathogen from establishing itself, a sort of "late come, bad stay" in the fungal version. While it is true that for many years these antagonistic fungi have been on the market in various revitalizing formulations, it must be remembered that Trichoderma, like other useful microorganisms, are naturally present in the soil and that only a little careful agricultural practice has led to their disappearance. Herbicides, synthetic fertilizers, excessive movement of the agricultural soil, monoculture, bare soil,... are some of the reasons why the

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soils die and in the biological vacuum pathogenic fungi can multiply without encountering obstacles. It is in this sense that rotation (which favors radical renewal and biodiversity even in the land-based population), the preservation and increase of humus, the use of biodynamic preparations, green manure and grassing, etc... are highly effective in prevention. Mulching with bark and conifer needles disadvantages the fungus due to the tannins that it gradually releases during the carrot's vegetative cycle, in the first layers of the soil. Sclerotinia is easily recognizable because the fungus develops a whitish felt on the affected organs. It also affects numerous plants (celery, salads, nightshades,...). As the days pass, you will notice blackish grains (sclerosis) in the whitish mass that makes up the body of the mushroom. These are the resistance and propagation organs of the fungus and are extremely long-lived. Intercrops and successions with salads, which are very susceptible, must be absolutely avoided; the crop residues of the affected crops must absolutely be removed and destroyed. It may happen that carrots appear healthy when harvested and are stored. The infection thus continues in the warehouse until it generates unpleasant surprises.

Early crops are more subject to Sclerotinia than late ones, but this is a general consideration made on standard seasonal averages, while mild winters and very harsh springs can occur which would overturn what was previously said. There are still numerous other fungi that can affect the taproot: Verticillium, Chalaropsis, Thielaviopsis, Aspergillus, Botrytis, Alternaria, ... All these pathogens can attack the taproot in the field and continue the infection in storage. In conventional agriculture, geodisinfestants and various systemic fungicides are used to control these infections. But by pursuing this path the only solution is to achieve absolute sterility of the soil. In biodynamic agriculture, however, the objective is diametrically opposite, that is, to create such vital soil that pathogenic fungi do not find space for their development and that the plant is not in stressful conditions. In this regard, the varietal choice is very important: local types are to be preferred, as they are the result of a selection of individuals that are best suited to a specific location, in terms of climate and pedology. Numerous experiments are currently underway to verify the effectiveness of homeopathic compounds against these pathogens, both for use in the field and to increase shelf life in warehouses.
There are also some pathogenic fungi that attack the aerial part of the plant: Cercospora, Septoria, Erysiphe, Leivellula, Alternaria dauci. Cercospora and Septoria cause the appearance of small notches on the leaf edges (Cercospora causes light circular notches in the center and with a dark edge, Septoria on the other hand causes small patches that are initially yellowish and then sprinkled with small dark dots). Infections spread thanks to the wetting of the leaves, they appear early and usually on the youngest leaves. In both cases the mushrooms can be preserved on the seeds. A good control of the health of the crop is therefore necessary before allocating any plant to seed production. Powdery mildew (Erysiphe umbelliferarum) causes the appearance of grey-whitish spots, starting from the oldest and lowest leaves. It appears late in the season, when temperatures have significantly risen. For all these foliar diseases, intercropping with lily plants is useful as garlic and onion promote ventilation and therefore a less humid microclimate. They also release volatile sulfur-based compounds into the air that disturb disease agents. Air treatments with garlic and onion macerates are quite effective, even hydroalcoholic solutions of propolis demonstrate good fungicidal efficacy on the leaves. The horsetail decoction, distributed periodically, increases the resistance of plants to foliar and telluric diseases.
Among the most recurring problems on carrots we remember the fly Psilla rosae. It is a Diptera that has two generations a year. The adult is a small gnat, the female lays her eggs in spring (April, with the necessary variations depending on the latitude and seasonal trend). The eggs are laid in the soil a few millimeters deep near the collar of the carrot. The whitish, apodous larvae dig tunnels in the roots, which, once damaged, bifurcate or split or rot. Fly lesions are an excellent entry route for pathogenic fungi. The second generation of adults appears in midsummer, in July and August. By appropriately regulating the sowing time and the duration of the cultivation cycle of the chosen variety, it is possible to partially escape the infestation. Screening plants used in combination are very effective: garlic, onion and leek as well as marjoram. Remembering that Diptera are attracted by the color yellow, chromotropic traps of this color (plastic panels covered with glue) can be used to mass capture and reduce the adult population. Finally, spraying with garlic and onion decoctions is effective for its repellent action against the insect. For direct interventions, however, Quassia wood, neem oil and pyrethrum are effective. In this regard, however, it must be kept in mind that pyrethrum and Quassia act by contact, therefore the larvae underground or already penetrated into the root are not destroyed. Neem, on the other hand, has a certain systemic activity, but does not have a knockdown effect: it slows down and inhibits the harmful insect, making the plant less palatable. This effect manifests itself especially when the treatments are repeated several times over time (at least 2 or 3 interventions) this makes the product interesting because it can reach the insect where other products are ineffective but in case of serious attacks it is not timely at all. Absolutely ineffective is Bacillus thuringiensis which, let us remember, acts against lepidopterans: in the juvenile stage the larvae of lepidopterans possess several pairs of pseudolegs (e.g. the leek moth, the cabbage moth on cruciferous vegetables and the borer on pepper), while the larvae of Diptera do not have them. In any case, it must be kept in mind that the carrot is a plant that optimizes the translocation and storage of substances in the root, be they nutritional elements or catabolites of pesticides.

Most of the phytosanitary problems illustrated are the legacy of destructive and senseless agriculture. The selection of hyperproductive hybrids has provided the farmer with plants that are unbalanced in their aerial and terrestrial polarity. Furthermore, standardization leads to the cultivation of plants with characteristics and cycles that are often unsuitable for the place of planting (with consequent stress due to crop adaptability), the production push with irrigation and fertilization creates the conditions for the onset of diseases and pesticide treatments create a biological vacuum that favors yet other parasites.
A careful choice of the variety, correct management of the fertility and vitality of the soil, the planning of rotations and intercropping, the use of biodynamic preparations, herbal teas, decoctions and macerates of local plants, are all practices of good agriculture low cost and highly effective in pursuing the objectives of a good farmer: obtaining the right remuneration from his work as a producer of healthy foods and guardian of the vitality of the land.

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