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Vital food - Feeding humans to regenerate the Earth

OfJasmin Peschke, Petra Essink, Paul Doesburg

Anthroposophical Publishing

PAGES: 264


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€22,00 EUR


Just think of the miracle of a small seed that gives life to a plant.
If we think this way, filling your shopping bag with vital, regional, organic or biodynamic products becomes easy.
It is not about giving advice or prescribing recipes for a diet that is sustainable for the environment and helps to strengthen the immune system.
All the advice that people follow because it was suggested by someone else and which does not derive from personal experience has little life in practice and becomes boring in the long run.
Finding your own form of nutrition is a personal and individual activity, which is based on a careful and grateful approach within the entire food production system, from the field to the plate.
These are the most important foundations for salutogenesis, or what keeps us healthy.
Translation Silvia Vudafieri

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