How to help cross the earthly threshold - Ivo Bertaina
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How to help cross the earthly threshold - Ivo Bertaina
Death arrives silently and furtively, almost always without announcing itself, and is the exact opposite of birth which always has, despite the necessary "surprises", nine months of announcement and preparation. The loss of a loved one or a relative always leaves us with a laceration, a void, which we often have difficulty filling. In a few moments we have to stop, plan the times, places, the funeral rite and the new home of the deceased.
Society vaguely teaches us to live but not to die, yet death is a fixed and certain stage in our lives. Usually we don't think much about it and when this happens we are afraid of it and shy away from it. The basic problem, in fact, is that today human beings are increasingly alone and the spiritual world represents for many a "corpse" or, at best, an old belief, consequently our entire future is projected onto physical life without thinking about death.
This short manual aims to give help to those who cross the threshold and to those who find themselves facing these difficult moments.