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Conferences at the Anthroposophical Society of Trieste 1946-1948 vol. I - F. Pavisi

PAGES: 301


Anthroposophical Society of Trieste


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Conferences at the Anthroposophical Society of Trieste 1946-1948 vol. I - F. Pavisi


The first stone of this construction is given by what we have called the miracle of the rock: the spirit that flows from matter.
It is a miracle that is perpetually renewed in Anthroposophy.
Because the inexhaustible source of the spirit, made to flow by Rudolf Steiner from the hardest material rock, still gushes forth.

"It's still gushing, clear and fast
as when he took her from the ground,
and his companions saw the miracle,
they immersed their burnt lips in it in amazement"

We all, men of our arid desert century, have parched lips, we are thirsty.
Anthroposophy can quench our thirst, it is the Christic source that gushes into eternal life.

Fortunato Pavisi,
Matter as the form of spirit I.

Conferences at the Anthroposophical Society of Trieste 1946-1948
edited by Tania Arcieri .

The writings of Fortunato Pavisi are brought together in this book, which were the subject of conferences he held at the Anthroposophical Society of Trieste from 1946 to 1948, in the last three years of his earthly existence, which ended at the age of 37.

The foundation stone of the Anthroposophical Society I - Preliminary considerations
The fundamental stone of the Anthroposophical Society II - Man as body
The fundamental stone of the Anthroposophical Society III - Man as soul
The cornerstone of the Anthroposophical Society IV - Man as spirit
How to approach anthroposophy
As you think
Randomness and purpose
Necessity, will, freedom
The principle of contradiction in cosmic and human evolution I
The principle of contradiction in cosmic and human evolution II
Matter as the form of the spirit I - The miracle of the rock
Matter as a form of spirit II - Overcoming illusion and materialistic denials
The historical significance of Michaelmas feast
Michael's fight against original sin
Jahve and Ahriman
Considerations on the drama by Paolo Gentilli - "The call of Montecorvo" I - The fight for the truth
Considerations on the drama by Paolo Gentilli - "The call of Montecorvo" II - Action for love
Appendix - Commemoration of the death of Rudolf Steiner

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