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DacusCer is a trap for monitoring and/or capturing Dacus Oleae (Olive Tree Fly) which exploits both the chromotropic attraction of the yellow color and the action of the pheromone.
Method of use
Capture period: from the end of June onwards (peaks of maximum presence occur in late autumn). Position DacusCer by fixing it on the canopy facing south, south-west and spacing the traps at least 40 meters from each other. Install 4-6 traps per hectare for monitoring and up to 20 per hectare for mass capture. Do not place traps on plants on the external perimeter. The dispensers exposed in the traps maintain good activity for a period of approximately 10 weeks. It is then necessary to proceed with their replacement. The glued panel must be replaced when it is completely full of captured adults or its adhesive power is reduced.