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From will to freedom. A philosophy of youth - Valentin Wember

From will to freedom. A philosophy of youth

OfValentin Wember

The capital of the Sun



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From will to freedom. A philosophy of youth - Valentin Wember

€10,00 EUR


Clarity of thought in the yearning for freedom, awareness of the complex quality of inner life, ability to make the soul experience non-presences of which one is not aware, but clear thoughts and feelings, consciously wanted and created, development of new ideas to transform into actions.

This book by Valentin Wember, in which the main problems of the will for freedom are treated, was born as a result of direct life practice in meetings and conversations with young people.

Burning life problems - such as that of the will for freedom - are felt and faced in the youthful age between 15 and 20, especially in direct life situations, in conflicts, in overcoming internal and external difficulties, in discussions with friends of the same age or older. The need to study heavy philosophical books on this topic in depth is rare in this youthful age.

But a short and simple book like this one, in which the will to freedom as an existential problem in practical life situations is explored in a conscious and rational way, can constitute valid and stimulating support.

Every chapter, every page of this book could be inserted into concrete conversations and debates.... (J. Smit)

The controversial theme of man's freedom, of his "free will", has accompanied humanity throughout its evolution with different and specific characteristics in every historical era. ...what are his possibilities of freedom within the... world of interior experiences of the soul in which man reflects his relationship with himself, with other men and with nature? ... The achievement of clarity of thought around this knot of existence, the prospect of becoming aware of the complex quality of one's inner life, the progressively operationalizing of the ability to let live in one's soul no longer automatic presences of which one is unaware guests, but clear thoughts and feelings, desired, nourished and created with awareness, capable of transforming themselves into a strong-willed guide to action: these are the fields explored in this book. ...Valentin Wember delves into the fundamental idea of ​​the second part of Rudolf Steiner's "Philosophy of Freedom"

... This book is not only important for young people in the chronological sense, but for those who are internally young and, regardless of the age of the physical body, voluntarily immersed in the fascinating and necessary construction of an ever wider freedom of man and cultural and spiritual life. (S.Curti)

Valentin Wember was born in Krefeld, Germany in 1957.
He attended the Steiner school as a student. He subsequently studied music, philosophy and literature in Berlin and Hamburg. Since 1985 he has been a literature teacher at the Waldorf School in Stuttgart. He is the father of three children.

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