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This delicate and painstaking work by Ernst Hagemann finds and comments on every thought that Rudolf Steiner said and wrote about music in his conferences and in his books and in an organic and commendable way gives us one of the best musical and spiritual treatises that exists today, showing us a Another key to understanding which highlights the spiritual creative sense of music.
Preface to the Italian Edition 7
Preface 11
I. Essence of the musical 17
I.1. Overall 17
I.2. The Harmonies of the Spheres 19
I.3. Earthly music 29
I.4. a) During the evolution of humanity 31
I.4. b) 1. In general 46
I.4. b) 2. The experience of the sleep of harmonies
of 50 spheres
I.4. b) 3. Ear – Listening 54
I.4. b) 4. Interval – Experiences 62
I.4. b) 5. Melodies – Harmonies – Rhythm 71
I.4. b) 6. Contrasounds 75
I.5. Relationship between the musical and the breathing process 76
I.6. Musical memory 80
I.7. The deeper meaning of major and minor 80
I.8. The inner experience of music after death 81
II. Integration of musical phenomena into the activity
of spiritual entities 87
II.1. Overall 87
II.2. Activities of the spheres of the entities of the Hierarchies 89
II.2. a) Zodiac – Shade 89
II.2. b) Planets – Fundamental notes 93
II.2. c) Cooperation of the zodiacal and planetary spheres
in the harmonies of the spheres 94
II.2. d) Intervals 101
II.3. a) Perception of sounds 106
II.3. b) Sense of hearing 109
II.4. Elementary entities as helpers in experience
musical 110
II.4. a) In general 110
II.4. b) Undines and Sylphs 114
II.4. c) Images contrasted with the Undines
and to the Sylphs 117
II.5 Influence of the content of the musical performance
on the nature of elementary beings as helpers 119
II.6 The perceptive act as a source of reception
of elementary entities 120
III. Musical creations – Composers 123
III.1. Musical Creations 123
III.2. Composers 125
III.3. Compositions 130
IV. Musical performance of compositions 133
IV.1. Through song 133
IV.2. Through musical eurythmy 136
IV.2. a) In general 136
IV.2. b) Sound eurythmy 138
IV.3. Recorded music 143
V. Cult music 153
YOU. Musical instruments 155
VI.1. Of essence and activity
of musical instruments 155
YOU. 2. Importance of rosin for sound quality
of stringed instruments 165
VII. Music pedagogy 169
VIII. Acoustics 175
IX. Importance of music in the future 177
X. Final consideration 189
XI. Afterword – The problematic of “New music” 195
XII. Bibliography 197
1. Works of Rudolf Steiner 197
2. Lectures by Rudolf Steiner 197
3. Works by other authors 202
Keyword Index 205