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The DI.MA.MA. BIG offers many interesting features: one of the main aspects is that it allows you to dynamise with the same dynamizer, by choice, from 10 liters up to 90 liters of water, (to cover a surface from 500 m2 to 4 hectares) which is something that a mechanical dynamizer he will never be able to do it. The dimensions are 163 cm high by a width of 88 cm (including the crank), weight of 68 kg.
Here are its main characteristics: • physical efforts are reduced by over 70% and the act of dynamizing is greatly simplified • The truncated cone shape of the dynamizer linked to the relationships with the golden section, in addition to favoring the vortex, brings the shapes of light and heat in the dynamized preparation • in dynamization with the DI.MA.MA. every human being clearly expresses, in addition to his presence, his soul and his spirit in the dynamization process • the person who dynamizes can easily be replaced (I think that if more subjects alternate in the dynamization the same process improves a lot as there are different humanities) • the vortex that is produced is fast and very deep: in the center there is practically no water left. (see image below) • in the vortex breaking phase, by keeping the crank still for a few seconds, you can rest and regain energy • you can hear the "sound" of the dynamized water, both with your ear and with the significant decrease of the physical effort to dynamize it, as the minutes pass we hear the same sound change and its resistance decreases considerably (it opens up to the preparation process and becomes humanized) • it allows us to dynamize wherever we want without having to depend on an electric wire or having to arrange a stick attached to a scaffolding, which can then move, detach or otherwise... • allows you to use the dynamized preparation even after several days (in my practical and experimental experience, a hand-dynamized preparation lasts up to three weeks • it is an excellent physical exercise to gently develop muscles, done in an ergonomic way (replaces the gym) and it is free. • thanks to this elegant, flowing and beautiful mechanism, and thanks to the non-presence of electrical forces, elementary beings will be very attracted to this dynamizer • thanks to DYN.MA.MA. dynamization becomes an attractive and socially engaging for other people: it becomes an excellent vehicle for practical advertising for biodynamics • given that today copper is in fashion in biodynamic dynamizers, the same container can be made of copper upon request • in any case, as I think you know, stainless steel is a alloy of iron, carbon and chromium: in addition to knowing the "new" evolutionary function of iron cited by R. Steiner in various conferences, I think everyone knows the important functions of carbon for the shape of the plant, a formative process that is terribly missing in the field today agricultural, as well as the properties of chromium used today increasingly used in medicine for various diseases, given that it has been discovered that it positively influences the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.