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BioDynamic Vine Powdery Mildew Repellent - 1L



Biodynamic deterrents are homeopathic products that keep animals, insects and unwanted pests away. They have absolutely no side effects on other animals or humans, even in the case of contact or even direct ingestion. They have a repellent action, which lasts for at least 60 days starting from the third day after it has been energized and sprayed, provided that the instructions given in the use sheet are precisely observed. To improve the deterrent effect, in addition to precisely following the instructions for use, it is advisable to have a good level of humus in the soil (greater than 1.5%), avoid the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and various poisons in the agricultural field and avoid continuous passage of mechanical vehicles.

USEEasy to use product for both professionals and hobbyists.For more information, view the use sheet below or click hereBOLLARD FOR VINE POWDRY MILDEW AWARDED AT SANA NIVITA' 2016, FIND OUT HOW THE AWARDS CELEBRATION WENT


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BioDynamic Vine Powdery Mildew Repellent - 1L



Biodynamic deterrents are homeopathic products that keep animals, insects and unwanted pests away. They have absolutely no side effects on other animals or humans, even in the case of contact or even direct ingestion. They have a repellent action, which lasts for at least 60 days starting from the third day after it has been energized and sprayed, provided that the instructions given in the use sheet are precisely observed. To improve the deterrent effect, in addition to precisely following the instructions for use, it is advisable to have a good level of humus in the soil (greater than 1.5%), avoid the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and various poisons in the agricultural field and avoid continuous passage of mechanical vehicles.


– Make a decoction of horsetail arvensis (300 grams per 5 liters of water) boiled for an hour. Filter it and add it to the water for dynamization (1:5/1:7 max)
– It would be even better to make a decoction of horsetail sporangia, because in fact the sporangium is in itself a “mushroom”
– We have set up 3 types of Vine Powdery Mildew Repellent:
. Powdery Vine Repellent
. Powdery Vite Complex deterrent
. Powdery Mildew Vine Alcohol Repellent
– We are experimenting with them to find which of the 3 will give the greatest result
– To use the product, give the bottle a few shakes and mix the liter (or part) of the deterrent with a maximum of 80 liters of water and horsetail decoction at 37 – 39°, non-chlorinated and with a lower Ph. A 6.5 (dose for one hectare)
– dynamise for an hour (like a biodynamic preparation) and spray the liquid in very fine drops in the air above and on the plant affected or subject to powdery mildew.
– If you don't know what biodynamic dynamization is, ask for the biodynamic dynamization sheet (all the water used must be dynamized).
– The first fungal treatment is useful to give immediately after the Sunday after Easter,
– Repeat the treatment two days before the Full Moon,
– Good period also with Moon in opposition to Saturn
– Try even when Mars is not in retrograde position
– Carry out the treatment when there is a possibility of powdery mildew infestation, from the end of April
– It is definitely useful to add a dose of 510 (Natural Sulfur Horn) to the vine powdery mildew deterrent.
– Carry out the operation in the afternoon/evening by spraying the product in the air above the plants, on the plants and on the ground
– Try to avoid motorized sprayers (the noise reduces the effect)
– Rain or snow absolutely do not alter or inhibit the functioning of the product, on the contrary they enhance it (you could even want to spray the product while it rains), while drought reduces its effects (in this case give it late in the evening, to have a minimum of humidity)
– The deterrent works fully from the third day after spraying.
– The coverage of the product has not yet been tested but it is recommended to repeat the treatment after 15-20 days in the periods indicated above.
– Always use a perfectly clean pump or spray bottle (absolutely without residues of other chemical treatments)
– The action of the preparation works well as a preventative (spray as soon as possible)
– If the powdery mildew has already caused damage, repeat the spraying with the same product, even already dynamized, for 3 evenings in a row
– For any doubts contact me
a) Keep the product in a closed closet away from electrical sockets and/or refrigerators and telephones
b) Keep mobile phones and electrical appliances away while energizing them
c) To dilute, use spring water with a pH lower than 6.5
d) To check the pH of the water in your area, use litmus paper
e) For small doses use mineral water (I recommend Acqua Lauretana which has a Ph of 5.9)
f) The dynamization water must be at a temperature of 37 – 39°
g) It is useful for those who do the work while spraying to create images of the powdery mildew disappearing from the vine leaves

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