Jesuits - Riccardo Tristano Tuis
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Jesuits - Riccardo Tristano Tuis
In this work we will learn about the origins of the Jesuits , who really were the architects of their foundation and diffusion and their real purpose from the beginning through the passing of the torch of power coming from the Templars and from Orders and consortia of families still older.
We will analyze how the Jesuits, as secret agents with a license to kill from the Church and the families behind it, operated clandestinely both in Christian and Protestant or Anglican countries to the point that in our days the deviant European, North American, Commonwealth and Israel are expressions of a single direction: the secret services of the Vatican .
We will discover how high finance, the largest banks in the world and the banking cartel that gave rise to modern banking seigniorage are the product of the millenary opulence and strength of the Church of Rome which, thanks to the Jesuit Order from the nineteenth century onwards, the global economy is in the hands of the families of international bankers at the top of which are the guardians of the papal treasury: the Rothschilds.
We will investigate the dark world of secret societies and magical circles of Satanic/Luciferian and Christian origin and their mutual and unsuspected connections through the high-level Jesuits, the superior unknowns of the 4th vow who also move the ranks of the powerful and stratified knights of Malta and Colombo and international Freemasonry, giving life to the army of gray bureaucrats of the European Union and the American Congress who promote the large-scale criminal operation called Agenda 21.
We will present specific historical events in which the two most famous European dictators, Napoleon Bonaparte and Adolf Hitler, came to power thanks to clandestine operations of the Jesuits and the Illuminati who for centuries have worked side by side in the establishment of the secular globalist agenda The New Atlantis better known as the New World Order .
Author: Riccardo Tristano Tuis
Publisher: One
Page 264