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Healing with apitherapy - Muriel Levet

Heal with Apitherapy

Honey, pollen, royal jelly, propolis, apipuncture: discover the extraordinary therapeutic powers of bees


Publisher:Macro Editions


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Healing with apitherapy - Muriel Levet

€7,90 EUR



The subject of particularly in-depth scientific research, apitherapy today represents hope for the treatment and relief of the symptoms of serious and chronic pathologies .

Bees play an essential role in human daily life: in addition to carrying out their role as pollinating insects, they create natural products every day that we can use for our well-being and to defeat numerous diseases.

From bronchitis to insomnia, from menopause to stress, from colds to headaches, there are many pathologies that can be treated with the help of bees and their products :

  • pollen with its exceptional protein compounds, ideal for health and immune defenses;
  • royal jelly or bee milk which, with its abundant vitamin B5 content, promotes the formation of antibodies, reduces cholesterol levels, cures arthritis and reduces stomach acid, etc.;
  • the resinous substance propolis which is an incomparable antiseptic and antibiotic;
  • apipuncture, or the possibility of healing thanks to bee venom. This “toxin” has always been used successfully to treat various diseases.

For each remedy, in this extraordinary work, the main characteristics, types, active ingredients, medicinal properties and therapies for the relevant pathologies are described clearly and completely.



The life of bees

Bees and life

  • Understanding the bee's role in pollination
  • The death of bees: towards a world without flowers, without fruit and without vegetables?

Apitherapy...healing thanks to the products of the hive

  • Honey
  • Pollen
  • Royal jelly
  • Propolis

Apipuncture… heal thanks

  • to bee venom
  • Bee venom

Attachment 1 : The "Environment sentinel bee" card
Attachment 2 : To find some ideas for honey-based recipes


Index of disorders and diseases

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