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“earthworm humus” (Vermicompost from manure) used to improve the soil or maintain or increase fertility.



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THE PRODUCT: Humus AnEnzy® Solid Zeolite is an earthworm humus allowed in organic farming. It has the consistency of crumbly soil and is completely natural, biodegradable, and leaves no residue. It is integrated with high quality chabasite zeolite, which is why it allows you to improve irrigation efficiency and prevent thermal and water shock. It provides humified organic substance useful both in the short and long term. Promotes the growth of more vigorous plants that are resistant to pathogens and parasites. It promotes better germination, and promotes the development of stronger roots, speeding up the absorption of nutrients. It improves the productivity and characteristics of the harvest, both from an aesthetic and organoleptic point of view. It is able to revitalize soils, especially if subject to intensive use. It is recommended both in agricultural land and in small vegetable gardens, gardens and potted plants. It is obtained from selected bovine manure and a controlled supply chain, coming from non-industrial farms in the area, integrated with agricultural vegetable by-products. The production process, which lasts 12-15 months, boasts the presence of annelids, and allows us to obtain a stable and ready-to-use result.

HOW TO USE IT: The product can be applied as such, in different ways and doses, which depend on the needs of the case. It can be distributed either manually or via specific automated machinery (in the catalogue). Our agronomic team is available to help the customer identify the most suitable methods and doses for each application.

WHERE TO USE IT: Humus AnEnzy® Solid Zeolite can be used in the most disparate destinations, from agricultural land to small vegetable gardens, gardens and potted plants. In arboriculture, it is particularly useful for promoting vegetative awakening and spring rooting. If used in transplant processes and in replacements of senescent plants, it allows ideal rooting. It can be used in areas close to inhabited, industrial areas or frequented by people and pets. It is not recommended to mix it with biocides (bactericides, fungicides, herbicides) or other substances that would damage it. The most common uses of Humus AnEnzy® Solid Zeolite are: open-field tree and herbaceous crops, especially in viticulture; greenhouse crops; above ground; care of decorative or monumental arboreal assets; home gardening; care of the city greenery.

WHY CHOOSE IT: The product has unique characteristics: it is completely natural, biodegradable and free of chemically synthesized or polluting substances. Unlike products normally on the market, it is free of sewage sludge and plastic. Unlike common industrial composting products, it is extremely mature, stable, and complete in both nutritional and functional terms. This is thanks to its long non-intensive production process, lasting 12-15 months, which sees the important presence of earthworms. The long-maturing organic component, rich in humic and fulvic acids, provides a balanced mix of stable and easily assimilable nutrients for plants. Its screened and non-pelleted form allows it to provide large quantities of micro-life, as well as improving the structure of the soil and reducing water needs. In this version integrated with chabasite zeolite, the product allows you to prevent water and thermal shock, keeping the root system and the plant protected. Finally, the product has an unrivaled quality/price ratio compared to alternatives on the market.

AVAILABLE FORMATS: PANECO AMBIENTE is committed to developing formats of different sizes and suitable for each customer. Some examples are: 70ℓ (22Kg) bags, 600-700Kg and 800-900Kg big bags. The product is also sold loose.

A PRODUCT MADE WELL: Our production plants are all on Italian territory, and we prefer national raw materials produced through processes that are sustainable for man and nature. The production and marketing of the product take place according to the requirements of the ISO 14001:2015 – ISO 9001:2015 quality plans and in compliance with the EEC Directives regarding the improvement of the safety and health of workers in the workplace

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