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Milk is a food to avoid - Anne Laroche Rosa

Anne Laroche de Rosa explains, with rigor and clarity, the many reasons that recommend eliminating animal milk and its derivatives from our diet. The author highlights the differences...


Publisher:The Age of Aquarius Editions


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Milk is a food to avoid - Anne Laroche Rosa

€9,50 EUR
€4,75 EUR



Anne Laroche de Rosa explains, with rigor and clarity, the many reasons that recommend eliminating animal milk and its derivatives from our diet . The author underlines the differences between breast milk, which is very healthy for the baby, and cow's milk, perfectly suitable for calves but not for babies.

The book also contains the opinions and experiences of numerous doctors on the subject , and the testimonies of many people who have benefited greatly from the abolition of dairy products from their diet.

Animal milk has always been considered a healthy, nutritious, fortifying and remineralizing food thanks to the calcium it contains. In reality, various studies have led doctors and researchers to consider it harmful to humans and responsible for numerous pathologies - including demineralisation, decalcification, digestive, intestinal and hormonal problems - as well as cystic and tumor formations.

« I had to undergo hormonal blood tests to check certain values ​​(sterility), and I was surprised to learn from the laboratory that I had to abstain from dairy products one day before the test. To my amazement, they replied that the latter alter the hormonal system! »
Mrs GN (Toulouse)

« Upon the recommendation of my mother (naturopath), I stopped taking dairy products. I had breast cysts, which disappeared. Then I started consuming dairy products again out of greed, and I saw the cysts reappear. I was therefore convinced of their origin. »
Mrs GL (Paris)

« I was fatigued by a hemorrhagic fibroid, arthrosis, colitis, cholesterol and chronic angina. The doctors offered me pills, antibiotics and medicines. An initial dietary adjustment improved my conditions, but the decisive element was the total elimination of dairy products. Six months later everything was back to normal. Today I am 54 years old, I have regular cycles and my vitality allows me to climb mountains. I haven't taken synthetic drugs for 15 years. What would Social Security think? »
Mrs ALW (Gers)


Anne Laroche de Rosa is an iridologist, nutritionist at the CEHMN (Collège Européen d'Hygiène et de Médecine Naturelles) and is the author of numerous articles and books on healthy living. A former converted goat farmer, she has a thorough understanding of the issue of various types of milk.

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