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Introduction to osteopathy - Massimo Arioli, Nicla Vozzella

This volume contains some important information on Osteopathy: when it was born, how and why it works, when it can be useful and in which cases it is not indicated. Also, in the book they are...


Publisher:Red Editions


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Introduction to osteopathy - Massimo Arioli, Nicla Vozzella

€14,00 EUR
€7,00 EUR



This volume contains some important information on Osteopathy : when it was born, how and why it works, when it can be useful and in which cases it is not indicated.

Furthermore, the book describes the possible applications of Osteopathy in the different phases of life: from birth, pregnancy and puerperium, to growth, childhood and adolescence, up to old age. But above all, the volume is centered on the use of osteopathy for preventive purposes to regain mind-body balance before full-blown disorders develop .

The way in which one is introduced to the knowledge of this method of prevention and treatment is through dialogue between the therapist and the patient.

The authors of the book, an osteopath and a journalist, put themselves on the line to explain what happens in the practice of a session and also to show which personal experiences are involved.


Massimo Arioli is an osteopath, physiotherapist, posturologist, expert in applied kinesiology.

Nicla Vozzella - Author photo Nicla Vozzella , journalist, has a post-diploma specialization as a food analysis technician. She has a degree in philosophy with a focus on psychology and specializes in bioethics and medical anthropology. For years he has been dealing with health and prevention, collaborating with specialist medical journals and aimed at the general public. He carries out Integrated Guidance Counseling (COI) with the help of Bach Flowers. Author and co-author of numerous books. He taught Pluralism of care at the specialization course in medical anthropology at the Bicocca University of Milan and is director of

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