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The agriculture of tomorrow by E. and L. Kolisko - AgriBioEdizioni

The most important text on biodynamic agriculture after “Scientific spiritual impulses. This text by Lilly and Eugene Kolisko has finally seen the light in Italian, which in my humble opinion is for biodynamic agriculture and not only, the most important text after Rudolf Steiner's "Spiritual scientific impulses for the progress of agriculture" as it this text is the indissoluble complementary part because it scientifically demonstrates the validity of the theses expressed by Rudolf Steiner in 1924. In fact, as Kolisko says in the text, it was Rudolf Steiner himself who asked her to scientifically deepen the studies of her observations and give them scientific validity too . Rudolf Steiner has never opposed official science, but has only always said that today's science will never be able to fully understand the phenomena of Nature if it does not also consider and study the phenomenon of Life, and speaking of Life by force of things we also talk about not only the etheric or vital body but also the soul and spirit, something that modern scientists have "forgotten" thinking that this was the exclusive competence and interest of religion and that science was instead a discipline in its own right . But in nature, in the world in which we live, there is nothing "in itself", there is nothing isolated, nothing that goes on its own: The secret of Life is precisely that everything is intertwined with everything, every smallest thing it has its own precise task, however small, and one will never be able to understand the whole by studying just one part of it. Hence also the title of Rudolf Steiner's conferences in 1924 "scientific-spiritual impulses", because the great philosopher and researcher had understood that no progress in agriculture, like any other discipline, would have the desired results if it was not to the unity and indissolubility of phenomena seen through science and the spirit and he also said it clearly with the title of his book. Even the word impulses is very beautiful and clear, because Steiner did not write "rules" for example or "laws" but the word impulses indicates that nothing fixed exists but there is a direction in which to move and in which each of us through the own observations and experiences, compared with those of others, can give indications on how to move to address, for example, the issue of soil fertility or protection from insects and fungi, and which will never necessarily be the same for everyone and for every place on Earth, it will depend on multiple factors (the geographical position, the atmospheric weather, the humus of the soil, the type of plant or animal considered, what I want to obtain from this being, etc.) and only by carefully studying the interaction of these forces linked to these variables will give me the right indication of action. To have a stronger spiritual life, a stronger and more intimate relationship with the earth and the laws that govern it is certainly helpful and they will give us this precious work by Eugene and Lilly Kolisko if we have the courage and will to delve into it. the wonderful secrets that they reveal to us with clear and simple language.


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The agriculture of tomorrow by E. and L. Kolisko - AgriBioEdizioni

€50,00 EUR


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