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Meeting Christ Today and the Spirit of the Goetheanum

Is it possible for today's man, who has now become completely modern, to lucidly encounter Christ, the Logos, the I Am?


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Meeting Christ Today and the Spirit of the Goetheanum


It is possible for today's man, who has now become completely modern, to lucidly encounter Christ, the Logos,

the I Am? Is it possible for a human being, in the conditions of lucid waking consciousness, to encounter that Reality, which is the only foundation of his free self-consciousness?

Once upon a time, it was possible for human beings to encounter the Divine, the Logos, the I Am, in a state of mystical intoxication, in a dreamy state of consciousness, based on an overwhelming feeling, that is, in an 'ecstatic' state of consciousness , which normally excluded the lucid autonomy of human consciousness. But however admirable those mystical experiences were, modern man today feels the need for freedom and self-awareness as his radical need.

From this point of view, Judith von Halle's experience - however one wishes to judge it - is new and with characters quite different from those of previous experiences of men and women who, in the mystical experience of the past, encountered the Logos' outside the normal conditions of awake consciousness.

The exceptional nature of the experience of the Mystery of Golgotha, carried out by Judith von Halle, lies precisely in her clear scientific conscience , in her not having passed through the conditioning of Christian confessions, in her absolute freedom and thinking autonomy towards the experience itself , of that experience that Rudolf Steiner called the encounter with Christ in the etheric.

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