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I wanted to share these youthful memories of mine as a musician because they represent the first part of my life, from 8 to 33 years old: the lunar phase, the of chemism, of transformation, it is no coincidence that this youthful period is precisely linked and immersed in the ether of sound and the ether of numbers (or of form). A tumultuous period of growth and development, of social knowledge, of curiosity and playful recklessness, often unaware that I lived fully and that I left behind without regrets, because I lived it intensely, intensely and fully and on which spoils I built the second part of my life as a farmer, researcher and artist of the etheric world, which is its direct daughter, albeit transubstantiated.
On these two metamorphoses I am starting to build the third and final part, which is certainly the most important and complex: if today I am as I am it is also because yesterday I was as I describe myself in this short essay on youthful life and what I have done only good memories, nor am I absolutely ashamed of them. The aspects that bind and compose my youthful artistic phases and also the current mature ones have always been curiosity, courage, determination and enthusiasm, unpredictability, elements that have always provided me with the right hunger, the right ability to dare in the first person, united with the infinite and inexhaustible primordial and archetypal heat that have always made me fly on the wings of curiosity to discover new horizons of human physical nature, while today my efforts are more aimed at re-cognizing the spiritual world that it lies behind and within the physical things of Nature, human beings and the infinite and wonderful spiritual world.
I went from the periphery of youthful life to the center of my heart in mature life by working on thinking, feeling and wanting, I went from knowing and feeling to perceiving and discovering the secrets of the heart's creative action and this is, in my opinion, the personal journey that I wish (with my heart) for every human being. Because only in this conscious and conscious breathing, in this harmonious, venerating and sacrificing rhythmic movement that transforms our life can we discover the true secrets of our existence, and if we manage to know our personal secrets nothing, truly nothing will be impossible for us and returning to the suburbs will be a rewarding and wonderful return journey!
- Ivo Bertaina -