The occult origins of music vol. 3 - Perucchietti E.
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The occult origins of music vol. 3 - Perucchietti E.
Lights and shadows of contemporary music : cults and madness of bands from the nineties to today, between magic, new religions and mysterious deaths.
After the success of the first two volumes, the trilogy concludes by entering the heart of contemporary music .
In this final chapter the author focuses on the female figures of the music business, from the undisputed queen of Pop, Madonna, to the new idols of the masses: Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, Nicki Minaj, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Jennifer Lopez, Ariana Grande , Ke$ha, Rihanna, Miley Cyrus, and more.
Starting from the individual biographies of the stars, we will analyze the increasingly dark and disturbing symbols of the video clips and live performances , the allusive lyrics of the songs, the musicians' obsessions with new religions and magic.
And again, Muse who have made counter-information their strong point; Robbie Williams and his passion for magic and UFOs; Eminem and the new world order. The hypersexualization of young stars and mind control; the mysterious deaths in the world of Rap and the shadows behind the disappearance of stars such as Amy Winehouse and Whitney Houston.
Chapter 1 The Queen of provocation, between Kabbalah, devils and sacrilege. Madonna
- A certain sacrifice
- The origins
- Kabbalah
- Ray of Light
- Confessions Tour
- Mdna Tour
- Rebel Heart
- Ghosttown
- Living for Love
- Devil Pray
Chapter 2 Conspiracies, secret societies, aliens and nwo. Matt Bellamy and Muse
- Anger and restlessness, waiting for the apocalypse
- Haarp
- Exo-Politics
- The hitmen of the economy
- America after September 11th
- Drones
- Immunize or overthrow power?
Chapter 3 When Rap takes sides against power. From Tupac Shakur to Eminem
- Notorious Big
- The war between East coast and West coast
- A step back: Killuminati
- The mysteries of Tupac's death
- Prodigy
- Gamma Ray
- Meanwhile in Italy...
- Eminem
Chapter 4 From Take That to UFOs, via magic, tarot cards and White Rabbits. Robbie Williams
- A long-standing passion
- Intensive Care
- From the Hanged Man in Escapology to the White Rabbit in You Know Me
- A break to dedicate yourself to UFOs
- Interlude The Shadow
- The Story of William Wilson
Chapter 5 Discovering the Doppelgànger. Slim Shady, Roman Zolanski and Sasha Fierce. (Again) Eminem, Nicki Minaj, Beyoncé
- Nicki Minaj... and Roman Zolanski
- Behind the mask
- Roman vs Harajuku Barbie
- Roman Holiday and the death of Whitney Houston
- Beyoncé and... Sasha Fierce
Chapter 6 The King Midas of Hip Hop and the Princess of the Illuminati. Jay-Z and Rihanna... Katy Perry and Jennifer Lopez
- The all-seeing eye
- Call me Jay Hova!
- The clothing line
- Russian Roulette
- The Princess of the Illuminati
- Katy Perry: I would like to be part of the Illuminati
- Magic and Horus: Dark Horse
- Wide Awake
- The father accuses: Katy, daughter of the devil
- J. Lo and Santeria
Chapter 7 Former child prodigies and hypersexualization. From Britney Spears to Miley Cyrus
- Miley Cyrus
- Wrecking Ball
- Twerking and controversy
- Billy Ray vents on «gq»
- The Die Young hypersexualization scheme
- Dancing with the devil
- Britney Spears: Rebellion
- Scream and Shout
- I don't feel like myself tonight...
Chapter 8 The (new) Queen of the Sirens. Lady Gaga
- The name Gaga
- The logo
- The phenomenon
- Lady Gaga
- Judas: the praise of the apostle who betrayed Jesus
- Alejandro
- The aliens from Born This Way
- Paparazzi
- At school with Marina Abramovic
- The Abramovic method