The Slave - Anand Dilvar
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The Slave - Anand Dilvar
Finally in Italy, the book by Mexican Paulo Coelho that touched the hearts of 2,500,000 readers!
"The Slave" is much more than a simple story... The journey told in this book is a path towards spiritual freedom and the rediscovery of one's soul.
After a terrible accident, the protagonist of the story is in a coma, but hears and sees everything, in total immobility. Not being able to interact with others, the sense of desperation pervades him, to the point of invoking Death.
It is then that he hears a voice, a kind of Guide that reveals itself to him and begins a conversation with him in search of the meaning of life.
He then realizes, pressed by the Guide, that he has lived his whole life as a "slave", cultivating feelings such as hatred, resentment, unhappiness... But now he has the opportunity to seek the deeper meaning of life.
Due to the depth of its contents, this book has been introduced in Mexican universities as a study text.
During this inner journey towards freedom , the last terrible battle occurs: in 6 hours the doctors will turn off the machine that keeps him alive. Suddenly the Guide grants him one last great gift.
With an unexpected and moving ending, the author leads the reader on an intense journey to conquer the essence of life .
"In each of us there is a great strength that allows us to get out of the worst situations." Anand Dílvar
Life is a miracle and a great opportunity.
It's as if every day they offered you a treasure and you didn't take it.
You have the key to your prison
Prologue to this edition
"Almost twelve years have passed since my book The Slave first came to light. More than nine hundred and fifty thousand people have read the first edition, the second in paper format and the edition translated into German and on sale in Europe.
A lot has happened since then. Thirteen other books of mine have been published for a total of thirty titles. Among these, three are the continuation of the present: Conversaciones con mi guía, Reflexiones del Esclavo and Liberando al Esclavo.
The great success of these books gave rise to conferences, meetings, trips, round tables and, most importantly, a series of seminars on human growth that I have shared with my readers for six years. It is a pleasure and a privilege to be able to meet and put ourselves at the service of hundreds of committed and courageous people who wish to improve their lives and their way of being in the world.
In those years I experienced a great transformation and traveled across five continents in search of knowledge in spiritual communities with different masters and guides.
In India, Osho affected me so deeply that I decided to initiate myself into his teachings and changed my name to Anand Dílvar, which means “Dear Bliss”.
Changing my name was a wonderful experiment to remind me every day of my intention to live consciously, letting myself be guided only by intelligence and love. And it was also interesting to see how the whole world resists change. Unconsciously, many people want their circumstances to remain unchanged, even though they are neither productive nor pleasant.
I also attended the Sun Dance of the Sioux Indians for twelve years and I learned and grew thanks to their beautiful philosophy of life: El Camino Rojo1 which later also inspired the name of the publishing house I manage.
I have received thousands of emails from people wanting to share how my book has helped them change their lives. Which happened to me too.
The desire to be in contact with my readers and look for a way to put myself at their service, pushed me to create a meeting center in the middle of the woods, surrounded by beauty, so that my readers and friends can work on themselves , relax and escape from the routine for a few days. This year, Vision Quest, our beautiful center, turns four, brings together people from all over the country and abroad and convenes masters of various nationalities who are spokespersons for different teachings and disciplines. Our idea is to create a beautiful family with the intention of achieving a significant change in each of us and, consequently, in the world.
This learning and sharing, convening and bringing together, caring and growing, this maintaining space and offering it to those who want it, has transformed into my way of living, my discipline and my way of thanking life for its numerous gifts. that I receive every day.
This commemorative edition will reach one million copies and is my way of thanking each of my readers for their comments, support and love.
I wish, from the bottom of my heart, that this work will serve as an excuse to make important changes in your life. May it allow you to see the beautiful miracle that you are and inspire you to enjoy, love, share and serve others and the world.
And if you decide to accompany us on retreats in our center, well it will be a pleasure to meet you and share with you what we are learning.
Thank you very much."
Anand Dílvar
Biography of Anand Dilvar
Anand Dílvar is a loving father and good friend, passionate about travel and adventure. He dedicates most of his time to seeking teachings and experiences that help him in his personal development and then sharing them with others through his books. His work has changed a lot since the beginning due to the great changes that he himself has experienced. His priorities are no longer social recognition, economic success, professional fulfillment, but love, compassion and the celebration of life. He is the author of thirty works on human development and general director of El Camino Rojo Ediciones and of the Vision Quest “A Gathering Place”, a beautiful retreat center in the Valle de Bravo in the state of Mexico, where he himself receives his readers and friends in retreats, workshops and seminars on human and spiritual development.