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This corn is so called because it has 8 rows (seed rows around the cob), the grain has a slightly flattened rounded shape, glassy seeds, intense yellow colour, however there are also small crops of red grain and even fewer white grains, the length of the cob is medium but it is not uncommon to also find very long cobs. The average production per hectare with 12% humidity is around 22 quintals. The plant has a determined growth, reaching a height of between 1.5 and 2 m. It has lanceolate leaves, relatively wide and elongated and dark green in colour. The ear is cylindrical-conical in shape, with grains with a glassy fracture.
It was also called "king's meliga" because King Vittorio Emanuele II he particularly appreciated it.
The grain is heart-shaped, flat, smooth and shiny. The color ranges from white, yellow, orange and red. The cob is white, and there is a black dot where the beans attach to the cob. The flavor of the flour is particularly sweet and the aroma intense. But the yield is not high. The harvest is rather late and also resists drought well. If produced in plains where its can be irrigated yield increases a lot.
Eight-row white corn is suitable for pizzas, focaccias and breading
eight-row yellow corn is suitable for polenta
eight row orange corn is suitable for biscuits
eight row red corn is suitable for biscuits and sweets in general