Keep the chest space healthy. A prophylaxis against breast cancer from the point of view of yoga
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Keep the chest space healthy. A prophylaxis against breast cancer from the point of view of yoga
Some themes: Where is the center of the human being located? - The importance of the thoracic spine - Soul revival of the exercises through content - The distinction between emotion and sensation - The tripartition of the human being according to an esoteric example by Rudolf Steiner - The center develops through a sensible guidance of thought - Development of sensations close to the heart - Exercises for the development of a feeling of warmth in the rhythmic system - A rhythm should be constructive and healthy - The psychic effect of a retreat of the soul - Liveliness of confrontation - Various simple and challenging exercises - Training of concentration in exercise - The center of the human being.
AUTHOR: Heinz Grill
PUBLISHER: Fontana Editore
YEAR: 2021