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Organic green manure mixture with biodynamic-inspired formulation. It is suitable for soil regeneration and rebalancing. Strong improver of soil structure. Given the wide variety of essences, it is particularly suitable for beekeeping. Suitable for vegetable gardens, orchards, vineyards and olive groves. Suitable for multi-year systems. Phacelia and buckwheat can develop too quickly, suffocating the others, it is therefore advisable to chop them at flowering to make room for other later plants. In this case, chop at a height of 10 cm from the ground, leave on the ground and bury everything when the green manure is ready. Nitrogen fixing mixture.
Spring sowing for all climates, while for autumn sowing until mid-September in cold regions and even all winter in very hot ones.
The use of a fertilizer spreader is recommended due to the uneven caliber of the seeds in the mixture.
100% organic blend.
Recommended investment: 40-50 kg per Ha in open field. 20-25 kg in vineyards with sowing in alternate rows. With 1 kg you can sow 250 m2 of vegetable garden.