Organic Clary Sage Essential Oil
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Organic Clary Sage Essential Oil
Planet: Jupiter
Clary sage helps create a bridge to the world of dreams, promoting vivid dreams and the ability to dream. In the Middle Ages people used to put some leaves in their mouths to facilitate divinatory dreams.
It is also called clear eye because it was thought that it helped to see things better, both real ones and those connected to the mystical and magical world.
PROPERTIES - Antiseptic, diuretic, febrifuge, hypotensive, hypoglycemic and healing. Indicated for disorders of psychosomatic origin, asthenia, depression, convalescence and weakness of elderly people. It reactivates blood circulation, exerts a beneficial action on motor activity and relaxes the muscles, especially if the muscular tension has an emotional origin. It stimulates digestion, promotes the elimination of toxins, and is recommended for liver and gallbladder diseases. It promotes hair regrowth and is a scalp tonic. And an excellent mouthwash for all mouth infections.
USE - Diffuser, massages, baths, shampoos, frictions, fumigations, local applications, foot baths