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Ancient country variety from the Franches-Montagnes. It reproduces easily
. Originally cultivated as an oilseed and later as a plant


rel. snail resistant, appreciated by insects



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The world of flowers represents sexuality in the vegetal sphere, but an absolutely pure sexuality, untouched by sin, by possession, a candid and primitive sexuality aimed at beauty and reproduction that has no need to hide or be ashamed but which on the contrary manifests itself in the fullest light of the Sun.
Usually it is said of humans: hot feet and cold head, in vegetables it is reversed: cold roots and hot flowers, the temperature inside the flower is over one degree centigrade higher than the rest of the plant, the flower is totally immersed in the forces of heat, while the roots are colder than the flower and the stem.
In anthroposophical medicine, flowers are used to cure deficiencies of the will and not only that, think of Bach flowers or phytotherapeutic products, because they act on perception, on the feelings which are the fuel of the will.

Rudolf Steiner tells us that flowering is also intimately linked to the deceased: they weave in the light and act around the trees helping them in flowering, it is the first job that our loved ones (or less loved ones) do in the afterlife. In the spring flowering there is the work of our deceased and also for this reason there is the custom of bringing flowers to the deceased, the flowers bring light, they show the way and illuminate the way for men who, once physical life is over, must get used to it again (because in life they did something completely different) to spiritual life.
Flowers also have a close connection to the world of insects, especially butterflies: the inexhaustible Rudof Steiner tells us that butterflies are flowers released into the cosmos, while for example violets (look carefully at the shape of a violet) they are butterflies chained to the plant world, to the earth.
By the way, read the article on Pelikan's violaceous family in the next June news letter, it's surprisingly beautiful and useful!

As I said, flowers have a close relationship to human sexuality, and in the case of the aforementioned butterfly, it is no coincidence that the flower that we often try with all our might to collect but often escapes us is also called "butterfly".
Together with the world of butterflies comes, not by chance, the world of birds, which always, not by chance, have always fed on butterflies, among other things the singing of birds favors the formation of proteins in the fruit, this has been scientifically proven to us demonstrated by a twenty-year study on genodics, in a beautiful and very interesting seminar recently held at the Agri.Bio headquarters.
Another thing that comes to mind, a term that I use frequently and I really like in all its meanings is "fucking". It is called "fucking" because the movement of the penis during penetration resembles that of the piston of a trumpet. The trumpet has always been defined as the musical instrument that is most similar (along with the organ, not surprisingly) to the human voice (which not surprisingly comes from the mouth). Among other things, the sound emitted by the voice or the trumpet travels in the ether of sound which is also the field of action of flowers, its perfumes, its colors and its shapes.

If you look at Botticelli's Venus you see that rootless flowers hover and float in the air around it... why? They effectively and truly represent the state of the vegetal kingdom when the planet Venus was formed... the vegetal kingdom was not yet incorporated into the Earth, also because the Earth itself did not yet have this density, it had a gaseous-aqueous fluidity.
The greatest pain I can give to a vegetable is to make them live without the presence of the insects that convey the astral world to them, otherwise absent for them, insects are celestial messengers for vegetables, they are the bearers of spiritual forces.
The plant and the flower do not feel pain like a human being, we do not give pain to the plant by tearing it from the earth, because not having the astral body it cannot feel it, it cannot perceive it. The plant lives like a man perpetually asleep, in fact a man in a coma is said to be "in a vegetative state" just as the plant is totally devoid of perceptions in its sexuality, in reproduction, it does not "enjoy" pollination like a human being in relationships sexual, does not enjoy fertilization and even its physical process of reproduction is not hidden, internal as in the human being and in the animal (less so) but external, in the part most kissed by the sun, the reproductive process of the seed takes place totally in the light and in the external heat, it is a reproduction in which the whole cosmos participates, without sin...

Why do we give flowers to loved ones? Because flowers bring light to the decisions to be made and warmth to the heart.
The woman is more sensitive to flowers because the flower with its consequent fruit touches and awakens the sense of motherhood visible and perceptible in it.
But what does the gift of a bouquet of perfume-free flowers bought from a florist produced by agamic reproduction awaken in a woman? It will certainly give a sense of darkness, cold and even frigidity, obviously it will not bring any light or desire to have sex (as one would humanly hope...), in fact it is already good that it does not destroy in our heads that horrible and cold bouquet of flowers that so many euros it cost us!
So let's give away daisies, buttercups, and the hundreds of flowers that bloom in the fields, rich in shapes, colors and real scents (for me the scent of wild flowers is very similar to the scent of sex) and the message will work like an aphrodisiac and it will be more perceptible, we will spend much less and the fruits (pollination) will certainly occur with success and satisfaction!

By entering a house, a garden or a vegetable patch you can get to know the people who work there better: the straight or round rows, the types of flowers and colours, the vases, the order or disorder tell us a lot about the person who grows flowers as the fact that a person does not grow flowers tells us a lot...
Maria Thun's sowing calendar makes us understand that it is important how I sow when I sow, transplant, break the soil around the same plant, move them into pots in the house etc: with these actions we profoundly influence the life of the plants, we literally do the their horoscope, it is no coincidence that astrology was created by the Sumerians in 3900 BC precisely to be able to use them for agricultural use, the first human horoscope dates back to the Greek period, around 410 BC

The flowers that bloom in spring, often even before the leaves, are literally condensed heat from the previous year and preserved throughout the winter inside the buds and which is then released in spring, when the heat is still weak or there is no it is still, the spring flowers are a gift of light and warmth to the earth still immersed in the cold.

Have you never peeled a daisy? She loves Me, she loves me not…. While we undress our flower petal by petal until we have only the flower head, full of still immature seeds, and the fateful answer arrives? Precisely because the flower, the daisy, represents the field of feelings, in particular of love in all its nuances... and even the flower, once the period of its manifest sexuality is over, sheds its delicate and colored petals to concentrate entirely on the seed, small and hard: from a maximum of expansion on many levels to an absolute contraction.

Among other things, May is precisely the month of flowers, the month of roses, the month of the Madonna, but of the Madonna not as a virgin, but as a mother, as a parent, as Mother Earth. May is also the month in which people get married the most, the month of the blossoming of flowers and sexuality with the forces of heat that enter the Earth precisely in the period of Pentecost (the fire of God) and heats both the temperature and the physical and spiritual pulsations.
Therefore May, the month of the maximum blooming of flowers, is also reflexively the month of the blossoming of sexuality, of the forces of reproduction, dominated, not surprisingly, by the forces of Taurus, symbol of strength (including sexual) and growth (any reference it is not purely random) but also a focal moment of the beginning of transformation of physical forces into spiritual forces, of matter into spirit, of life into eternity.

So given that we have entered a period of long economic crisis and there is no money to make stupid and useless purchases, there is a lack of euros to make long, expensive, tiring and distant journeys in search of ourselves (so as not to find ourselves), let us now freely try to love moreover, from a spiritual and physical point of view, let's try to have more sex (it costs a fortune...) and we will participate well in the forces of this magical zodiac period, becoming ourselves the conscious, active and loving physical and spiritual manifestations.

Since we have "entered" the topic, I like to end with this beautiful, raw and naked poem on flowers by Guillame Apollinaire:

The nakedness of flowers

The nakedness of the flowers is their carnal odor
That throbs and gets excited like a female sex
And flowers without perfume are dressed in modesty
They predict that you want to violate their smell
The nakedness of the sky is veiled with wings
Of birds that glide restlessly waiting for love and luck
The nakedness of the lakes shivers with dragonflies
Who kiss their ardor of foam with blue elytra
I adorn the nakedness of the seas with sails
Which they will torment with gusty gestures
To reveal their body to the rapist in love with them
To the rape of the drowned still stiff with love
To violate the sweet and surprised virgin sea
Of the noise of the waves and passionate lips

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