LAURA potato size 35/55 C
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LAURA potato size 35/55 C
Historical red-skinned variety of Austrian origin, selected starting from the seventies in Austria and subsequently in Germany. It is appreciated by Germanic culture for its shape and taste, so much so that it is defined as the red queen. Before planting, acclimatize the seed tuber to room temperature for at least three days. It prefers fresh, medium-textured soil, with a good supply of nutrients and water. Treatment against Rhizoctonia is advisable. It adapts well to hills and mountains, while on plains with sandy soil it tends to form large lenticels and pale skin. Perform a standard dose regarding the three macroelements, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. It has a certain sensitivity against the herbicide Metribuzin, so it is advisable to avoid the active ingredient in post-emergence. Carry out effective and preventive treatments against downy mildew.
Ripening: Semi-late
Dormancy: Long
Head development: Good
Peel color : Red
Color of the paste : Yellow
Tuber shape : Oval to long-oval
Tuber size : Large
Depth of eyes : Shallow
Production : Medium to high
Dry matter content : Medium to high
Cooking type: Somewhat resistant to cooking
Suitable: Fresh consumption, fried potatoes
Crumple resistance : Good immunity
Resistance to Yn Virus : Very good immunity
Resistance to downy mildew on the head: Medium sensitive
Resistance to downy mildew on tubers: Somewhat immune
Resistance to potato nematode Ro1: Immune
Common scabies: Somewhat immune
Internal blue spot resistance: Somewhat immune