€22,00 EUR
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Exclusive or rare plants
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Exclusive or rare plants
€22,00 EUR
Biodiversity is the exuberance of life, the reason why the world around us has different shapes and colors and is not monotonous and boring. Biodiversity is the difference between the order of a corn field, imposed on the ground with physical (plowing) and chemical (pesticides) violence, and the apparent disorder of a flowering Alpine meadow, the result of the complex balance, or rather armistice , among the plants that populate it. On a more technical level, we define biodiversity as the set of living beings that populate an environment and their mutual relationships. The second part of the definition is very important. I am a great admirer and frequenter of botanical gardens, but it is essentially a very beautiful and very useful exhibition of plant genomes, an alternative to seed banks. Thinking, as some think, of condensing the biodiversity of an environment into a botanical garden, in some ways is like thinking of preserving a song from the Divine Comedy by making an alphabetical list of the words that compose it. We will never be able to reconstruct the original relationship between these words and Dante's art. Likewise, we will never be able to reproduce an environment from a simple census and conservation of the species that compose it. Biodiversity is above all a complex network
of relationships between organisms that live in an environment, and which make it unique and unrepeatable.