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Unique dishes from the cuisines of Europe - Giuliana Lomazzi

The main course is much more than the quick pasta with meat sauce that many imagine: it is a way to eat a balanced meal, to speed up the meal and much more - last but not least, washing less dishes! The...

Page. 105
Publisher:New techniques


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Unique dishes from the cuisines of Europe - Giuliana Lomazzi



The main course is much more than the quick pasta with meat sauce that many imagine: it is a way to eat a balanced meal, to speed up the meal and much more - last but not least, washing less dishes!

We can make it up on the spot, based on the models provided in the book. But we can also draw on an existing culinary heritage , such as that of our continent. Presenting different European dishes not only serves to compare different gastronomic panoramas, but also to discover different dietary models.

We Italians (and not only) can boast of Mediterranean cuisine, recognized by UNESCO as a cultural heritage of humanity and by many scientific studies as healthy and wholesome. But other Europeans don't eat as badly as common prejudice would have it and they too have something to offer that is "good" in every sense.

You will discover it in this book that links a single dish and European food models, exemplifying them in many recipes linked to the rhythm of the seasons .


Giuliana Lomazzi - Author photo

Giuliana Lomazzi is a freelance journalist, author and literary translator. It deals with therapies, well-being and natural nutrition, without neglecting the recreational aspect (gastronomy and travel). He writes food and health articles for the monthly magazine Aam Terra Nuova and collaborates with various other publications. He has various books to his credit ranging from nutrition to natural medicine.

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