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Dose for 1 hectare: 200 gr

Half dose: 100gr

Biodynamic preparation that promotes rooting. To be dynamised for 1 hour in non-chlorinated water at 37/39° C and sprayed in large drops onto damp soil

Read the technical data sheet of the 500 cornoletame below



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What is that:

fresh cow meat is taken (max one week) and inserted into a cow's horn and buried from the period of St. Michael (29/9) until after Easter (I recommend extracting it also towards mid-May) and which appears when dug up it appears as humus, dark, odorless or scented with undergrowth, fresh, moist and colloidal.

What is it for:

it is a "leaven" of the earth's vital processes: it can be considered an activator of the formation of humus and the rooting and consequent development of plants.

Processes and activates the forces of the subsolar planets (Moon, Mercury and Venus) in the soil and root system

Where and when to use:

It is mainly sprayed on the ground in spring at the beginning of vegetative growth (February - May) and also in summer before summer sowing and in autumn, at the end of the agricultural season, after harvesting
the fundamental basis for the use of 500 is that the ground where it is sprayed is moist at the time of spraying: if it is to be used and these conditions do not exist, spray very late in the evening to have a minimum of humidity
It can be used as a root bath before sowing or transplanting (read article on Seed Baths)
It is excellent to use it in the preparation of Agri.Bio Log Pasta
How to store it and how to use it:

It is stored in a container, preferably made of copper (Venus metal) with a perforated bottom and a special base to collect excess humidity, inside an untreated wooden box, kept in a cool place and covered with a layer of peat. of at least 8-10 cm and can be thus preserved for at least 2-3 years from when it was extracted from the horn.
In glass containers it tends to remain too humid and for this reason I don't consider glass (silica) a good container for the 500.
Check the condition of the preparation periodically (at least every 2 months): if it dries too much, wet it with a spray bottle of spring water and give it a stir; if it is too humid, check that the container has free holes in the bottom to drain excessive humidity or ventilate it in the shade
when used it must be energized for an hour in the afternoon/evening (3-7pm); hand-made dynamization lasts several days, while machine-made one lasts a few hours.
For those who have old and tired fruit or ornamental plants, it is useful to make "injections" of 500 of 20-30 cc each into the soil at a depth of at least 20-40 cm with special iron tips to make the hole for then fill them with the hose of the shoulder pump
It is very useful to use nettle, eggshell, horsetail, oak and other plants in the dynamization water (see article on dynamization aids)
To energize the 500, today a quantity of water of 30 – 35 liters per hectare is usually used, but I recommend using at least 50 liters for those starting to do biodynamics; in case of dry soil increase the water to be dynamised up to 150 -200 liters per hectare
Preparation 500 is today found in different formulations:

Prepared 500

Composted Preparation 500 or Preparation 500 K or 500 P
It is prepared by placing the preparations from the heap inside the box where the 500 is stored and must mature for at least 2 months
New 500 (see following article New Cornoletame-based preparations)
The 500 and the new 500 are used in doses of 200 g. per hectare (using less undermines the correct process).

The 500 K is used at a dose of 100 g. per hectare: in the 500 K, after extraction, the heap preparations (502, 503, 504, 505, 506 and 507) are placed in copper containers and left to mature for at least two months before being used.

PS: for companies that have been practicing biodynamic agriculture for many years, smaller doses can also be used, but for at least the first 5 years these minimum doses must always be respected.

Method of use

the 500 or 500 K is dynamized for an hour in 35 – 50 liters of warm (35-38°) non-chlorinated water, per hectare
the quantity of water for dynamization must be functional and in relation to the state of the soil: with dry soil the water to be dynamized is increased up to 150-200 liters per hectare without increasing the dose by 500, with moist soil it may be enough even just 30-35 liters of water
it is advisable to use the 500 at least twice in spring and once in autumn
from my experience I recommend the 3-2-1 rule: that is, in spring the first time use it three times in a row 5-7 days apart, the second year twice, always one week apart and from the third year once time in spring.
the 500 must be energized and sprayed for each new sowing
the water temperature must be lukewarm (from 35° to 38°)
the water must not be heated by electricity or microwaves but only with a wood or gas fire
the water must preferably be rain, well or spring water (not stagnant for too long, without odors or the presence of algae, mould, insects etc.)
if you must use mains water, it must be shaken and left in the open air to settle for at least 24 – 48 hours (to release the chlorine)
Ferruginous water or water with a high quantity of calcium or salty water is not recommended
check the pH of the water (use litmus paper), if it exceeds 6.5 lower the pH with vinegar (200 cc for every 30 liters of water)
the 500 must always be activated by means of a vitalizing process called biodynamic dynamization which lasts 60 minutes (see sheet)
the dynamization consists in mixing the 500 in water, creating a vortex which in turn is interrupted by a phase of chaos, coinciding with the reversal of the direction of the previous vortex, without stopping for exactly one hour.
Dynamization can be carried out either by machine or manually: 2) by machine as long as some construction characteristics are respected, such as for example. the energetic inversion of the vortex which must be regulated by the fluidity of the water and by a visual observation of the process
1) by hand as long as it is carried out with a lot of energy and without stopping (hand directly in the water, stick, pedal or crank) alternating even more people in the dynamization without taking breaks in the process.
The container for dynamization must possibly have a cylindrical-conical shape that can allow a deep vortex
The presence of earthworms in the cornolet manure is an excellent sign of the product's vitality
Spraying should be done in large drops on the ground and on the trunk in the evening
The plastic bag is only for transport, the preservation preparation should be transferred to a glass or metal jar and stored in the appropriate preparation box if it is not used within 7-10 days.
in my experiences (analysis of the product after the trip) the preparation tolerates up to 10 days of transport well: usually with our couriers it arrives throughout Italy in 2/3 days.

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