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Scientific name: Eruca Sativa
Family: Brassicaceae
Brief history and botanical notes on the plant
In our regions there are two main varieties of rocket, both belonging to the brassicaceae family: domestic rocket (eruca sativa) and wild rocket (diplotaxix tenuifolia). These are two very different species, frequently confused due to the name and some similarities that they share.
However, the differences that distinguish the botanical characters are substantial. Wild rocket is a rustic and perennial plant, it has elongated and jagged leaves and bright yellow flowers. Cultivated rocket is an annual species, with wider and rounded leaves at the top and greyish-white flowers.
Pedoclimatic needs
It is a rustic plant with no particular needs, adapting to practically all types of soil and even adverse climatic conditions.
Sowing and transplanting times
It can easily be brought to germination starting from the beginning of spring or from January-February if the cold is not particularly intense. It is broadcast sown directly in the area where you intend to grow it (a small patch of land is enough to obtain large quantities).
It does not require any particular work, its rusticity allows it to grow even in the middle of meadows, a superficial work of the soil is enough.
It does not require particular fertilization, it is important not to add nitrogen to avoid the concentration of nitrates in the leaves.
Cultural care
Regular watering in the summer period, generally does not require transplants or particular cultivation care, apart from cleaning from weeds and careful trimming to avoid causing it to set seed early.
It is useful to combine arugula with tomatoes or salads (it helps to keep the malaria away).
Rocket is mainly affected by cryptogamic diseases of the roots, collar and aerial parts such as downy mildew, botrytis and rusts. It is often attacked by aphids and whiteflies.
Production and collection
The leaves are collected to be consumed fresh throughout the year, except winter in the northern regions.
Food uses and nutritional values
The young leaves are variously used in the kitchen: rocket has stimulating, purifying, diuretic, digestive and toning properties. It provides the body with fibre, beta-carotene, vitamin C and mineral salts.
Corn manure at the time of sowing and corn silica a few weeks before harvest. In the case of high infestations of flies or aphids, treatments with ash can be used.
Use of the biodynamic calendar
If you choose to reproduce Arugula through seed, sowing must be done in the ascendant moon, however it is advisable to rely on a biodynamic calendar of the current year to choose the best moments.