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Shungite is a very interesting stone with unique properties that deserve attention and study, both in the human and agricultural fields: here are some brief facts about its history.
Tsar Peter the Great formalized the use of waters that flow from Karelia (north of Russia on the border with Finland), where shungite abounds, saying, among other things: "... since these waters cure various cruel diseases, in particular the scurvy, morbid depression, gallstones, weakness of stomach, vomiting, diarrhea, stones, kidneys and have great power against other diseases…” from the decree of Peter the Great regarding the opening of the “Marcial Waters” spa center in Olonets on March 20 1719.
This 300-year-old decree is the oldest historical evidence relating to shungite (also called Elite), a unique stone that is mined in Karelia, near the small settlement called Shunga, in a single place on the shores of Lake Onega. For a long time, local residents knew about the mysterious “great power” of shungite or black “slate stone” (as it was called in the old days) capable of curing many diseases and purifying the water of the area.
Although the age of shungite is uncertain, scientists agree that it could date back up to four billion years.
There are several theories about the origin of shungite.
First, there is a speculation that marine sediments enriched by the organic remains of primitive microscopic organisms living in the shallow bays of the ancient sea served as the basic material for its formation.
Secondly, a rather fantastic theory, is that shungite would be a part of a giant meteorite that brought part of the planet Phaethon to Earth and on which a form of oxygen and life existed and in the place of fall shungite would have formed .
Third, some researchers argue that the shape and structure of shungite is caused by strong volcanic emissions that would have played a role similar to that of the action of the hypothetical planet Phaethon.
But what is certain is that shunigte is a mineral that has no corresponding healing qualities and characteristics of other minerals.
Subsequently, the Martial Water Decree and the Medical Rules on how to receive this water treatment were made public.
In those years, the surgeon Anthony Ravinel published an article An effective investigation into the action of Konchezerskaya Martial Water which contained nine short descriptions of diseases with their results after treatment with Martial Water. At the end of the list there is a description of a case with the following illness: “A schoolboy, son of a noble family, had been suffering from constipation, urinary and abdominal problems for years, but as I gave him 5 grains of salt from the Martial Waters, the disease is gone." Thus Ravinel used only water not only in his experiments, but also as salt obtained from the evaporation of water. He also often prescribed iron supplementation. Some medical historians believe that Ravinel's “Genuine Investigation” was the first original medical study in Russian on the Waters.
LL Blumentrost developed a drug called “Essention Marcial”. According to the doctor, the drug had the power to divide and nourish and could be used all over the pores of the liver and spleen… and in cases of melancholy and depression.
The name Acqua di Marte (Martial Water) is believed to have been wanted by Tsar Peter I and dedicated to the god of war Mars; this was because Peter the Great's wounded and sick soldiers had been treated with those waters. After learning about the stone's unique antiseptic properties, Peter the Great reportedly ordered that each of his soldiers must have a piece of shungite (in those days it was mistakenly called slate stone) in their backpack. The soldiers used to put the stone in a saucepan with water and thus produce fresh, disinfected water.
In the Soviet period, in the 1930s, studies of the resources of Karelia were intensified thanks largely to the activities of the renowned doctor of Russia and Karelia SA Vishnevsky. The expeditions were organized to study the healing waters and muds. The results of their work were then summarized in the book “Healing Areas of Karelia” edited by MD Tushinsky and SA Vishnevsky. In 1940 the Karelian government decided to restore the station and reopen the health center, but the activity was interrupted by the war. The revival of the village took place only in 1964. Now the “Martial Waters” village has modern buildings in which various diseases are treated with the help of Martial Waters. People can drink water from iron springs which gives them a beneficial effect on the body.
The history of the discovery of fullerenes in shungite
The Martial Waters owe their properties to the shungite rocks that they pass through as they flow. During sliding, the transfer of fullerenes occurs; they change the structure of the water. The properties of shungite are so unique that scientists around the world are still exploring its physical, chemical and therapeutic properties.
In 1985, the world of researchers announced a sensational discovery: a group of American and British scientists involved in the study of interstellar dust, managed to create in laboratory conditions synthesizing a new molecular super-solid form of carbon existence: fullerenes .
The importance of this discovery is that until now scientists were only aware of three structures of carbon: diamond, graphite and carbon. The new molecule can cut diamond like oil, slows the growth of tumor cells and, with specific processing, creates a substance that can slow the activity of the AIDS virus. The discovery of fullerenes is a real revolution in the field of nanotechnology and was declared a sensational discovery of the 20th century and the scientists who discovered it were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1996.
In 1992, after the discovery of the fullerene molecule in laboratory conditions, the world was shocked by a new discovery. The former Russian scientist Semeon Tsipursky with his American colleague Peter Buseck were the first to discover evidence of C60 and C70 fullerenes in the nature of the Earth. As a souvenir of Semen Tsipursky's geological expedition to Karelia, before returning to the United States he brought with him a small piece of shungite in which fullerenes were discovered.
The scientists tested their hunches in the large science and energy laboratory at the US Department of Energy. By carrying out various experiments Bob Hettich, the laboratory scientist, confirmed the presence of fullerenes in shungite, noting that he would have expected to find traces of meteorites due to their particular composition and way of formation.
Fullerenes are a particular form of carbon, which, as is known, is the foundation of life on Earth.
SHUNGITE is an intelligent stone whose beneficial, rare and exceptional properties have been recognized by three Nobel Prize winners: Harold Kroto, Robert Curl and Richard Smalley.
Thanks to Shungite, you can protect yourself and your environment and achieve greater mental clarity, serenity and energy.
Unlike crystals, Shungite does not radiate, but rather emits a Quantum Vortex that adapts to the user and the surrounding environment, operating a "personalized" beneficial action of electromagnetic cleansing and harmonizing.
Shungite cancels the effects of harmful radiation and negative vibrations; it also energizes and fertilizes the soil and removes memories of places and bad thoughts.
Shungite can be used for massage and personal protection simply by wearing it, including through necklaces, pendants, belts and stuffed mats, and it restores and protects the space in which it is placed.
Shungite is available as pyramids, spheres, cubes, plates, stones, but also as an accessory for protection from the electromagnetic effects of cell phones and household appliances and much more, as described in the text.
Shungite can be used in agriculture thanks to its ability to vitalize the environment in which it is placed.
Instead of destroying and impoverishing the soil with chemical fertilizers, Shungite can provide important solutions. It absorbs and neutralizes residues of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and defoliants that have not completely degraded after their use and burial which are attracted and neutralized by the fullerene molecule.
Furthermore, Shungite stimulates the vitality of the natural microorganisms of the soil, re-establishing their balance.
Russian experiments have found that by burying 1 kg of Shungite in the substrate per square meter the soil is restructured and increases vitality. Instead, to enrich the soil you can, every 3 years, distribute 1 kg of shungite per square meter (clearly this operation cannot be carried out for perennial crops such as vines).
Another excellent system is to deposit 30 kg of these Shungite stones in a water deposit and use the water energized by the Shungite to water the crops; this operation can be continued indefinitely and has a high yield value.
I'm trying several things with this stone:
• to let the pulverized shungite mature in a horn for 1 year (it is very hard),
• I am trying to make bd compost with addition of dynamized shungite powder
• and to irrigate vegetables with approximately 50 kg of shungite placed in a water tank of approximately 50 m3
and I think it could be a product that can really give a lot of help in the agricultural field due to the specificities we have just seen.
Bringing 1 kg of shungite, as mentioned in the experiments mentioned above by Russian farmers, per m2 here would mean bringing 100 quintals per hectare which, apart from the economic cost, is also oil pollution due to the movement of tons of shungite. Instead, it is necessary to put the energy of the shungite, its fullerene form, into motion and process, and I think these ways that I mentioned can be much more useful, less expensive and very effective. Certainly other ways can be found and experimented with, but here it is up to each of us to find suitable and simple ways of use.
If you want to try shungite we sell it at Agri.Bio in pieces of 150 grams and up at €45.00 per kg + VAT and we also have a couple of texts that I highly recommend you read to learn more about the topic:
• Shungite energy of life by Regina Martino at €22.00
• Shungite protection stone par excellence by Nicolas Almand at €20.00
Hoping to have given you new ideas to experiment with, I am available to work with anyone who has intuitions or ideas to propose for its use.