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Stevia rebaudiana is a small, perennial herbaceous-shrub plant of the Asteraceae (Compositae) family, native to the mountains between Paraguay and Brazil. Stevia rebaudiana is a perennial plant that is not very resistant to frost, in colder climates it is usually grown as a semi-perennial. It reaches a height of about half a meter, has very small, numerous, whitish hermaphroditic flowers, pollinated by insects. Flowering is late autumn. It has ovate, opposite leaves. It does not grow well in compact soils, preferring loose ones; therefore it is a plant of ruderal environments and of disturbed and worked soil rather than a lawn plant; It is quite tolerant of soil acidity. It requires sunny exposure, but also grows well in a semi-shaded position. In case of cold climate it can be protected by mulching, allowing the survival of the basal part which will revegetate in spring. In case of very cold weather it can obviously be placed in a greenhouse, bringing it back outdoors after the last spring frosts. It usually reproduces by seed, and multiplies by cutting with a good success rate. The seeds are tiny, and before sowing they are usually mixed with sand to avoid too dense distribution. The germination percentage is modest. It is advisable not to let the soil dry out during germination. The seedlings are transplanted individually when they have put out the second pair of true leaves, planting them outside after the last frosts, and providing them with some protection until the plant is well established. Stevia has been known by many peoples of the South American geographical area for several millennia, as well as for the sweetening power of its leaves, also for its medicinal properties, in fact it has been currently used for centuries by the indigenous peoples of South America for its healing qualities and is still used today. It is used as a sweetener, as it is much sweeter than common sucrose. The active ingredients are stevioside and rebaudioside A, which are found in all parts of the plant but are more available and concentrated in the leaves, which when dried (dehydrated), have a sweetening power (due to the mixture of the two components sweeteners) 150 to 250 times that of common sugar. Unlike sugar, the active ingredients have no nutritional power (zero calories), and are relatively stable over time and at high temperatures, so they perfectly retain their characteristics even in baked goods or hot drinks, unlike other synthetic sweeteners. like aspartame, which undergoes degradation.