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È un biocida e agisce con un effetto fisico-meccanico sugli
insetti, in particolare i pidocchi tramite una duplica azione abrasiva e

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€29,50 EUR


Natural diatomaceous earth is useful in protecting plants from parasitic insects with a repellent and even biocidal effect. It can be sprayed or dried with a sprayer
mechanical or motorized, either in the form diluted in liquid and sprayed on the leaves. Gives results on aphids, mites, flies, altica, bedbugs. Its functioning is not based on toxicity but on its microscopic abrasive structure for the exoskeleton of insects, the "skin" of insects, causing micro lesions or even just strong irritation upon contact. The insect is unable to adapt to this effect and therefore there will never be habituation with a consequent increase in dosage. Natural diatomaceous earth is an effective repellent against soil molluscs (slugs, snails, etc.). If sprinkled on the surface of the garden soil it removes them. However, it is harmless to earthworms. Natural diatomaceous earth also has an effect on chicken louse, just spread it in nests or add it to dust baths. In small quantities it is also useful as a food supplement for chickens and layers, added to the daily ration at a rate of 2-3% to improve the general condition and induce a more resistant egg shell.
Natural diatomaceous earth has a very positive effect in the conservation of grain seeds and vegetable plants from attacks by woodworms and weevils and can also have a drying effect which reduces the humidity of the grains. Natural diatomaceous earth can have an effective effect on animal fur parasites,
like fleas or lice. It should be applied on the fur up to the skin with a light brush, avoiding bringing it close to the mucous membranes or respiratory organs.
Natural diatomaceous earth can be used on a personal level for external use as a poultice/compress to improve the appearance of the skin, as a natural remedy for
redness or resolution in other painful conditions of the muscles and bones. It is an inert product with a neutral pH, it has not been subjected to calcination and therefore does not contain
fractions of crystalline silicon or quartzite or cristobalite. For this reason it can also be useful as a silicon food supplement. Leave a spoonful or two of soil to soak
diatomaceous in a glass of water and in the morning you drink the above water. The human body requires 25-35 mg of silicon per day, but this requirement increases with age and loss of kidney function. Silicon deficiencies are correlated with an increase in bone diseases. Unfortunately, the soil is becoming depleted of silicon in ionic form due to leaching and deep processing. It therefore becomes important to supplement the diet with diatomaceous earth which is a primary source of silicon.
The natural diatomaceous earth from the Ca' del Santo farm comes from a certified Italian quarry, it has only been extracted, ground into an impalpable powder, dried at low
temperature and packaged in food grade bags. However, it has not been subjected to high temperature liming, a process for industrial purposes which makes it dangerous for contact and breathing because it produces silica.
crystalline, quartzite and cristobalite.

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