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Developed by Hugo Erbe (1885 – 1965) a brilliant German biodynamic farmer and researcher, this preparation can be considered as an offering, a physical-spiritual aid to the elementary beings of Nature to help them heal the wounds of the Earth.
It also helps to protect the disturbed elementary beings themselves from harmful influences created by man (pollution, electromagnetic waves, pesticides and various chemical fertilizers, GMOs).
The substances used are those offered as a gift to Baby Jesus by the Three Wise Men who came from the East (where the Sun rises from): Gold (symbol of earthly wisdom), Incense (devotional offering to the gods) and Myrrh (symbol of the victory of life over death).
There are two fundamental steps in the creation of the TKP, both of which must be carried out during the Christmas period.
Since during the Christmas period we are totally unconscious and often only think about our gifts and we often have difficulty coming up with ideas for giving gifts to others, why not start giving a small, big gift to our invisible helpers and co-inhabitants of the earth, the elementary beings? It could be useful to all of us too, don't you think?
The complete recipe for TKP can be found in the book printed by Agri.Bio.Edizioni “Hugo Erbe: aid for elementary beings” on sale by Agri.Bio for €20.00.
Materials needed to prepare the preparation:
Gold – aurum metallicum D2 15 gr
Incense – Boswelia olibanum – 15 gr
Myrrh – resin – 15 gr
Pure glycerol 25 ml
Spring water 25 ml
Mortar with pestle made of wood, stone or porcelain
Invocation by Rudolf Steiner (found in Hugo Erbe's book)
With this dose you obtain approximately 20 doses of usable preparation dynamized for 20 km.
The product lasts for dozens of years, in fact it improves year after year.
First Phase: Setup
Use an equal quantity of gold, frankincense and myrrh, place them in a porcelain mortar (not metallic) and dynamite for an hour with the pestle.
During this time a sweet and fine aroma will develop in the mortar which pervades the room where you dynamite it.
It is recommended to carry out this operation on December 31st around midnight (11.30pm - 12.30am), this work can be an integral part of the social celebrations of the new year.
At midnight, read Rudolf Steiner's Invocation while continuing to energize.
During the last 5 minutes of dynamization add water and glycerol heated to 38°; added in equal parts, they will be placed in the mortar to create an emulsion as thick as a paste (for a dose of 15 g each of gold, incense and myrrh, 25 ml of water and the same amount of glycerol are indicated).
If you see that the dough sticks to the bottom, loosen it with a wooden spoon while continuing to dynamise. You should never use metals of any kind during preparation and use.
This paste emulsified by water and glycerol, poured into a glass or ceramic container, can be stored for many years if necessary, in a non-hermetically sealed, non-metallic container, stored in a cool, dark and non-humid room.
It will become more solid and drier and will continuously transform over time, developing a very intense scent, but this will not compromise its effectiveness; these doses of ingredients will produce approximately 80 cc of preparation.
In the event that the dynamization of the three substances occurs directly on the day of the Epiphany, the addition of glycerol to obtain the paste is not necessary.
Second Phase: Spraying
Take approximately 5 cc of the pasta prepared on December 31st and dissolve it in a little warm spring water. To remove the 5 cc, it may be necessary, if the TKP has been made for years, to heat the container where the pasta is stored in a bain-marie in a saucepan at around 60 degrees.
Dynamize the paste dissolved in approximately 8 liters of rain water or, better yet, spring water heated to the temperature of the human body (37 – 38° degrees).
A non-metallic container, preferably made of wood, is recommended for dynamization. The dynamization method will be the same as for preparation 500.
Use a stick, a shovel or something else with a small broom made of thin twigs at the end or do it directly with your hand if it is a small quantity and dynamise vigorously in one direction until the creation of a regular and deep vortex that reaches the bottom of the container, then vigorously break the vortex and repeat the same operation in the opposite direction. All this cyclically for an hour without interruptions, possibly outdoors. You will see that the scent that the dynamization releases will attract the attention and curiosity of elementary beings and you will perceive them very clearly.
During this time a delicate and intense scent will be released, the water will change consistency little by little and particular shapes will form in the water: observe and feel carefully what is happening.
It is important to carry out the dynamization in the afternoon when the earth is in the exhalation phase. Taking into account the very short days in January, the best time will be between 2pm and 4pm.
When the dynamization is completed, place the product in a non-metallic container (except copper) and distribute the preparation with a broom, a manual backpack atomizer or with your hand, taking care that the spray is done in drops and not nebulized.
The application and distribution of the TKP preparation will be done along the edges of the companies (perimeter), gardens and residential areas and sprayed with three consecutive sprays at intervals of approximately 5 meters (see drawing below).
This spraying method helps protect the space delimited by the circle from negative influences.
Other spraying methods can be used such as starting from a center starting from a point following a spiral path, always with three sprays at intervals of approximately 5 meters (see drawing below) across the plot of land and serves to harmonize the influences of the elementary beings of nature.
By dynamizing 8 liters of water, the preparation can be distributed over a length of approximately 1 km (one spray every 5 metres, therefore approximately 200 sprays).