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€35,00 EUR


It was a real pleasure to be able to propose what Eugene Kolisko expressed about zoology, who approaches the kingdoms of nature with the enthusiasm of a child discovering something wonderful. And then finds the right concepts to demonstrate with extreme scientific rigor what is today considered unprovable but which, with a gaze free from preconceptions, can emerge in the soul as a "manifest mystery" of Goethenian memory, the result of a profound investigation of thought and of an observation that appeals to all the senses, from the external ones to the most "fine" and "subtle". In fact, just when the observations may seem "obvious", the author is doing nothing other than inviting us to "see" where we only "look" distractedly.

The originality of this "Zoology for all", presented in the form of conferences   perhaps it lies not so much in the contents, but in the author's ability to be amazed and amazed, always bringing everything back to Unity. One never has the impression of reading something partial, schematic and even in cases where the distinctions are necessary, the overall vision never fails.

It is therefore a comparative zoology in the deepest sense of the term, which concerns not only animal species but also other kingdoms, and in which the dynamic dualism form-substance or formative force-matter always reappears, until harmonization is found again. in the human being.

The exposition of E. Kolisko is imbued with a profound respect for the dignity of our animal "brothers" and he grasps how even the humblest of beings has had and has a role throughout history evolution of the Earth.

A scientific treatise which, due to its versatility, adult readers will be able to tell to children as a wonderful fairy tale, which educates, works on the imagination and at the same time enchants.

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